/* * Modified: Jachym, Meteotemplate, 2017 */ /*! * A starter gauges page for Cumulus and Weather Display, based * on the JavaScript SteelSeries gauges by Gerrit Grunwald. * * Created by Mark Crossley, July 2011 * see scriptVer below for latest release * * Released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991 * See the enclosed License file * * File encoding = UTF-8 * */ /* exported gauges */ /*! * Tiny Pub/Sub - v0.7.0 - 2013-01-29 * https://github.com/cowboy/jquery-tiny-pubsub * Copyright (c) 2013 "Cowboy" Ben Alman; Licensed MIT */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; var o = $({}); $.subscribe = function () {o.on.apply(o, arguments);}; $.unsubscribe = function () {o.off.apply(o, arguments);}; $.publish = function () {o.trigger.apply(o, arguments);}; }(jQuery)); var gauges = ( function () { 'use strict'; var strings = LANG.ES, //Set to your default language. Store all the strings in one object config = { // Script configuration parameters you may want to 'tweak' scriptVer : '2.7.3', weatherProgram : 4, // set to MB, but using custom Meteotemplate file instead imgPathURL : './images/', // *** Change this to the relative path for your 'Trend' graph images oldGauges : 'gauges.htm', // *** Change this to the relative path for your 'old' gauges page. realtimeInterval : 10, longPoll : false, // if enabled, use long polling and PHP generated data !!only enable if you understand how this is implemented!! gaugeMobileScaling : 0.85, // scaling factor to apply when displaying the gauges mobile devices, set to 1 to disable (default 0.85) graphUpdateTime : 15, // period of pop-up data graph refresh, in minutes (default 15) stationTimeout : 11, pageUpdateLimit : 20,//period after which the page stops automatically updating, in minutes (default 20) pageUpdatePswd : 'its-me', // password to over ride the page updates time-out, do not set to blank even if you do not use a password - http://&pageUpdate=its-me digitalFont : false,digitalForecast : false, showPopupData : true, showPopupGraphs : false, // If pop-up data is displayed, show the graphs? mobileShowGraphs : false, // If false, on a mobile/narrow display, always disable the graphs showWindVariation : true, // Show variation in wind direction over the last 10 minutes on the direction gauge showWindMetar : true, // Show the METAR substring for wind speed/direction over the last 10 minutes on the direction gauge popup showIndoorTempHum : false, // Show the indoor temperature/humidity options showCloudGauge : false, // Display the Cloud Base gauge showUvGauge : true, showEtGauge : true, showSolarGauge : true, showSunshineLed : true, // Show 'sun shining now' LED on solar gauge showRoseGauge : true, // Show the optional Wind Rose gauge showRoseGaugeOdo : true, // Show the optional Wind Rose gauge wind run Odometer showRoseOnDirGauge : true, // Show the rose data as sectors on the direction gauge showGaugeShadow : false, roundCloudbaseVal : true, // Round the value shown on the cloud base gauge to make it easier to read // The realtime files should be absolute paths, "/xxx.txt" refers to the public root of your web server realTimeUrlLongPoll: 'realtimegauges-longpoll.php', // *** ALL Users: If using long polling, change to your location of the PHP long poll realtime file *** // *** the supplied file is for Cumulus only realTimeUrlCumulus : 'realtimegauges.txt', // *** Cumulus Users: Change to your location of the realtime file *** realTimeUrlWD : 'customclientraw.txt', // *** WD Users: Change to your location of the ccr file *** realTimeUrlVWS : 'steelseriesVWSjson.php', // *** VWS Users: Change to your location of the JSON script generator *** realTimeUrlWC : 'realtimegaugesWC.txt', // *** WeatherCat Users: Change to your location of the JSON script generator *** realTimeUrlMB : 'ssMeteotemplate.php', // *** Meteobridge Users: Change to the location of the JSON file realTimeUrlWView : 'customclientraw.txt', // *** WView Users: Change to your location of the customclientraw.txt file *** realTimeUrlWeewx : 'gauge-data.txt', // *** WeeWX Users: Change to your location of the gauge data file *** realTimeUrlWLCOM : 'WLrealtimegauges.php', // *** WLCOM Users: change to location of WLCOMtags.php file *** useCookies : false, // Persistently store user preferences in a cookie? tipImages : [], dashboardMode : false, // Used by Cumulus MX dashboard - SET TO FALSE OTHERWISE dewDisplayType : 'app' // 'dew' - Dewpoint // 'app' - Apparent temperature // 'wnd' - Wind Chill // 'hea' - Heat Index // 'hum' - Humidex }, // Gauge global look'n'feel settings gaugeGlobals = { minMaxArea : 'rgba(212,132,134,0.6)', windAvgArea : 'rgba(48, 133, 194,0.6)', windVariationSector : 'rgba(120,200,120,0.2)', // Modificado por AGallardo minMaxRecord : 'rgba(100, 0, 100, 0.5)', // Modificado por AGallardo frameDesign : steelseries.FrameDesign.ANTHRACITE, background : steelseries.BackgroundColor.DARK_GRAY, foreground : steelseries.ForegroundType.TYPE2, pointer : steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11, pointerColour : steelseries.ColorDef.RED, dirAvgPointer : steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11, dirAvgPointerColour : steelseries.ColorDef.BLUE, gaugeType : steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4, lcdColour : steelseries.LcdColor.GRAY, knob : steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, knobStyle : steelseries.KnobStyle.BLACK, labelFormat : steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.STANDARD, tickLabelOrientation : steelseries.TickLabelOrientation.HORIZONTAL, // was .NORMAL up to v1.6.4 rainUseSectionColours : true, // Only one of these colour options should be true rainUseGradientColours: false, // Set both to false to use the pointer colour tempTrendVisible : true, pressureTrendVisible : true, uvLcdDecimals : 1, // sunshine threshold values sunshineThreshold : 50, // the value in W/m² above which we can consider the Sun to be shining, *if* the current value exceeds... sunshineThresholdPct : 75, // the percentage of theoretical solar irradiance above which we consider the Sun to be shining // default gauge ranges - before auto-scaling/ranging tempScaleDefMinC : -10.0, tempScaleDefMaxC : 50.0, tempScaleDefMinF : 0.0, tempScaleDefMaxF : 120.0, baroScaleDefMinhPa : 980, baroScaleDefMaxhPa : 1040, baroScaleDefMinkPa : 99, baroScaleDefMaxkPa : 103, baroScaleDefMininHg : 28.00, baroScaleDefMaxinHg : 32.00, windScaleDefMaxMph : 60.0, windScaleDefMaxKts : 60.0, windScaleDefMaxMs : 30.0, windScaleDefMaxKmh : 80.0, rainScaleDefMaxmm : 10.0, rainScaleDefMaxIn : 4.00, rainRateScaleDefMaxmm : 10.0, rainRateScaleDefMaxIn : 4.00, uvScaleDefMax : 12.0, solarGaugeScaleMax : 1200.0, // - but Davis stations can read up to 1800, use 1000 for Northern Europe? cloudScaleDefMaxft : 3000, cloudScaleDefMaxm : 1000, shadowColour : 'rgba(220,220,220,0.3)' }, commonParams = { // Common parameters for all the SteelSeries gauges fullScaleDeflectionTime: 4, // Bigger numbers (seconds) slow the gauge pointer movements more gaugeType : gaugeGlobals.gaugeType, minValue : 0, niceScale : true, ledVisible : false, frameDesign : gaugeGlobals.frameDesign, backgroundColor : gaugeGlobals.background, foregroundType : gaugeGlobals.foreground, pointerType : gaugeGlobals.pointer, pointerColor : gaugeGlobals.pointerColour, knobType : gaugeGlobals.knob, knobStyle : gaugeGlobals.knobStyle, lcdColor : gaugeGlobals.lcdColour, lcdDecimals : 1, digitalFont : config.digitalFont, tickLabelOrientation : gaugeGlobals.tickLabelOrientation, labelNumberFormat : gaugeGlobals.labelFormat }, firstRun = true, // Used to set-up units & scales etc userUnitsSet = false, // Tracks if the display units have been set by a user preference data = {}, // Stores all the values from realtime.txt tickTockInterval, // The 1s clock interval timer // ajaxDelay, used by long polling, the delay between getting a response and queueing the next request, as the default PHP // script runtime timout is 30 seconds, we do not want the PHP task to run for more than 20 seconds. So queue the next // request half of the realtime interval, or 20 seconds before it is due, which ever is the larger. ajaxDelay = config.longPoll ? Math.max(config.realtimeInterval - 20, 0) : config.realtimeInterval, downloadTimer, // Stores a reference to the ajax download setTimout() timer timestamp = 0, // the timestamp of last data update on the server. jqXHR = null, // handle to the jQuery web request displayUnits = null, // Stores the display units cookie settings sampleDate, realtimeVer, // minimum version of the realtime JSON file required programLink = ['','','','','','','',''], ledIndicator, statusScroller, statusTimer, gaugeTemp, gaugeDew, gaugeRain, gaugeRRate, gaugeET, gaugeHum, gaugeBaro, gaugeWind, gaugeDir, gaugeUV, gaugeSolar, gaugeCloud, gaugeRose, /* _imgBackground, // Uncomment if using a background image on the gauges */ // ================================================================================================================== // Nothing below this line needs to be modified for the gauges as supplied // - unless you really know what you are doing // - but remember, if you break it, it's up to you to fix it ;-) // ================================================================================================================== // // init() Called when the document is ready, pre-draws the Status Display then calls // the first Ajax fetch of realtimegauges.txt. First draw of the gauges now deferred until // the Ajax data is available as a 'speed up'. // init = function (dashboard) { // Cumulus, Weather Display, VWS, WeatherCat? switch (config.weatherProgram) { case 4: // Meteobridge realtimeVer = 10; // minimum version of the realtime JSON file required config.realTimeURL = config.longPoll ? config.realTimeUrlLongPoll : config.realTimeUrlMB; config.showPopupGraphs = false; // config.tipImgs - no Meteobridge images available config.showRoseGauge = true; // no windrose data from MB config.showCloudGauge = false; config.tipImgs = null; // config.tipImgs - no Meteobridge images available config.showWindVariation = true; // YES wind variation data from MB Mod by AGallardo break; default: // Who knows! realtimeVer = 0; // minimum version of the realtime JSON file required config.realtimeURL = null; config.showPopupGraphs = false; config.tipImgs = null; // config.tipImgs - unknown } // Are we running on a phone device (or really low res screen)? if ($(window).width() < 480) { // Change the gauge scaling config.gaugeScaling = config.gaugeMobileScaling; // Switch off graphs? config.showPopupGraphs = config.mobileShowGraphs; } else { config.gaugeScaling = 1; } // Logo images are used to 'personalise' the gauge backgrounds // To add a logo to a gauge, add the parameter: // params.customLayer = _imgBackground; // to the corresponding drawXxxx() function below. // // These are for demo only, to add them remove the comments around the following lines, and // the _imgBackground definition line above... /* _imgBackground = document.createElement('img'); // small logo $(_imgBackground).attr('src', config.imgPathURL + 'logoSmall.png'); */ // End of logo images // Get the display units the user last used when they visited before - if present displayUnits = getCookie('units'); // Set 'units' radio buttons to match preferred units if (displayUnits !== null) { // User wants specific units userUnitsSet = true; // temperature setRadioCheck('rad_unitsTemp', displayUnits.temp); data.tempunit = '°' + displayUnits.temp; // rain setRadioCheck('rad_unitsRain', displayUnits.rain); data.rainunit = displayUnits.rain; // pressure setRadioCheck('rad_unitsPress', displayUnits.press); data.pressunit = displayUnits.press; // wind setRadioCheck('rad_unitsWind', displayUnits.wind); data.windunit = displayUnits.wind; displayUnits.windrun = getWindrunUnits(data.windunit); // cloud base setRadioCheck('rad_unitsCloud', displayUnits.cloud); data.cloudunit = displayUnits.cloud; } else { // Set the defaults to metric ) // DO NOT CHANGE THESE - THE SCRIPT DEPENDS ON THESE DEFAULTS // The units actually displayed will be read from the realtime.txt file, or from the users last visit cookie displayUnits = { temp : 'C', rain : 'mm', press : 'hPa', wind : 'km/h', windrun: 'km', cloud : 'm' }; data.tempunit = '°C'; data.rainunit = 'mm'; data.pressunit = 'hPa'; data.windunit = 'km/h'; data.cloudunit = 'm'; } // enable popup data if (config.showPopupData) { ddimgtooltip.showTips = config.showPopupData; } if (config.showPopupGraphs) { // Note the number of array elements must match 'i' in ddimgtooltip.tiparray() ddimgtooltip.tiparray[0][0] = (config.tipImgs[0][0] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[1][0] = (config.tipImgs[1][0] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[2][0] = (config.tipImgs[2] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[3][0] = (config.tipImgs[3] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[4][0] = (config.tipImgs[4][0] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[5][0] = (config.tipImgs[5] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[6][0] = (config.tipImgs[6] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[7][0] = (config.tipImgs[7] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[8][0] = (config.tipImgs[8] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[9][0] = (config.tipImgs[9] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[10][0] = (config.tipImgs[10] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[11][0] = (config.tipImgs[11] === null ? null : ''); ddimgtooltip.tiparray[12][0] = (config.tipImgs[12] === null ? null : ''); } // draw the status gadgets first, they will display any errors in the initial set-up ledIndicator = singleLed.getInstance(); statusScroller = singleStatus.getInstance(); statusTimer = singleTimer.getInstance(); gaugeTemp = singleTemp.getInstance(); // Export gaugeTemp.update() so it can be called from the HTML code if (gaugeTemp) {gauges.doTemp = gaugeTemp.update;} gaugeDew = singleDew.getInstance(); // Export gaugeDew.update() so it can be called from the HTML code if (gaugeDew) {gauges.doDew = gaugeDew.update;} gaugeHum = singleHum.getInstance(); // Export gaugeHum.update() so it can be called from the HTML code if (gaugeHum) {gauges.doHum = gaugeHum.update;} gaugeBaro = singleBaro.getInstance(); gaugeWind = singleWind.getInstance(); gaugeDir = singleDir.getInstance(); gaugeRain = singleRain.getInstance(); if (!config.showEtGauge) { $('#canvas_et').parent().remove(); } else { gaugeET = singleET.getInstance(); } gaugeRRate = singleRRate.getInstance(); // remove the UV gauge? if (!config.showUvGauge) { $('#canvas_uv').parent().remove(); } else { gaugeUV = singleUV.getInstance(); } // remove the Solar gauge? if (!config.showSolarGauge) { $('#canvas_solar').parent().remove(); } else { gaugeSolar = singleSolar.getInstance(); } // remove the Wind Rose? if (!config.showRoseGauge) { $('#canvas_rose').parent().remove(); } else { gaugeRose = singleRose.getInstance(); } // remove the cloud base gauge? if (!config.showCloudGauge) { $('#canvas_cloud').parent().remove(); // and remove cloudbase unit selection options $('#cloud').parent().remove(); } else { gaugeCloud = singleCloudBase.getInstance(); } // Set the language changeLang(strings, false); if (!dashboard) { // Go do get the data! getRealtime(); // start a timer to update the status time tickTockInterval = setInterval( function () { $.publish('gauges.clockTick', null); }, 1000); // start a timer to stop the page updates after the timeout period if (config.pageUpdateLimit > 0 && getUrlParam('pageUpdate') !== config.pageUpdatePswd) { setTimeout(pageTimeout, config.pageUpdateLimit * 60 * 1000); } } }, // // singleXXXX functions define a singleton for each of the gauges // // // Singleton for the LED Indicator // singleLed = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var led; // Stores a reference to the SS LED function init() { // create led indicator if ($('#canvas_led').length) { led = new steelseries.Led( 'canvas_led', { ledColor: steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED, size : $('#canvas_led').width() }); setTitle(strings.led_title); } function setTitle(newTitle) { $('#canvas_led').attr('title', newTitle); } function setLedColor(newColour) { if (led) { led.setLedColor(newColour); } } function setLedOnOff(onState) { if (led) { led.setLedOnOff(onState); } } function blink(blinkState) { if (led) { led.blink(blinkState); } } return { setTitle : setTitle, setLedColor: setLedColor, setLedOnOff: setLedOnOff, blink : blink }; } return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Status Scroller // singleStatus = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var scroller; // Stores a reference to the SS scrolling display function init() { // create forecast display if ($('#canvas_status').length) { scroller = new steelseries.DisplaySingle( 'canvas_status', { width : $('#canvas_status').width(), height : $('#canvas_status').height(), lcdColor : gaugeGlobals.lcdColour, unitStringVisible: false, value : strings.statusStr, digitalFont : config.digitalForecast, valuesNumeric : false, autoScroll : true, alwaysScroll : false }); } function setValue(newTxt) { if (scroller) { scroller.setValue(newTxt); } } return {setText: setValue}; } return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Status Timer // singleTimer = (function () { var instance, // Stores a reference to the Singleton lcd, // Stores a reference to the SS LED count = 1; function init() { function tick() { if (lcd) { lcd.setValue(count); count += config.longPoll ? 1 : -1; } } function reset(val) { count = val; } function setValue(newVal) { if (lcd) { lcd.setValue(newVal); } } // create timer display if ($('#canvas_timer').length) { lcd = new steelseries.DisplaySingle( 'canvas_timer', { width : $('#canvas_timer').width(), height : $('#canvas_timer').height(), lcdColor : gaugeGlobals.lcdColour, lcdDecimals : 0, unitString : strings.timer, unitStringVisible: true, digitalFont : config.digitalFont, value : count }); // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.clockTick', tick); } return { reset : reset, setValue: setValue }; } return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Temperature Gauge // singleTemp = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define temperature gauge start values cache.sections = createTempSections2(true); // Modificado por AGallardo cache.areas = []; cache.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC; cache.title = strings.temp_title_out; cache.value = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC + 0.0001; cache.maxMinVisible = false; cache.selected = 'out'; // create temperature radial gauge if ($('#canvas_temp').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_temp').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.section = cache.sections; params.area = cache.areas; params.minValue = cache.minValue; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.minMeasuredValueVisible = cache.maxMinVisible; params.maxMeasuredValueVisible = cache.maxMinVisible; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.tempunit; params.trendVisible = gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible; params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo // params.customLayer = _imgBackground; // uncomment to add a background image - See Logo Images above ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_temp', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_temp').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_temp').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // remove indoor temperature/humidity options? if (!config.showIndoorTempHum) { $('#rad_temp1').remove(); $('#lab_temp1').remove(); $('#rad_temp2').remove(); $('#lab_temp2').remove(); $('#rad_hum1').remove(); $('#lab_hum1').remove(); $('#rad_hum2').remove(); $('#lab_hum2').remove(); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var sel = cache.selected; // Argument length === 1 when called from radio input // Argument length === 2 when called from event handler if (arguments.length === 1) { sel = arguments[0].value; } // if rad isn't specified, just use existing value var t1, scaleStep, tip; cache.minValue = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC : gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinF; cache.maxValue = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC : gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxF; if (sel === 'out') { cache.recLow = +extractDecimal(data.tempL); cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.tempH); cache.low = extractDecimal(data.tempTL); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.tempTH); cache.lowScale = getMinTemp(cache.minValue); cache.highScale = getMaxTemp(cache.maxValue); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.temp); cache.title = strings.temp_title_out; cache.loc = strings.temp_out_info; cache.trendVal = extractDecimal(data.temptrend); cache.popupImg = 0; if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { t1 = tempTrend(+cache.trendVal, data.tempunit, false); if (t1 === -9999) { // trend value isn't currently available cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } else if (t1 > 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.UP; } else if (t1 < 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.DOWN; } else { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.STEADY; } } } else { // Indoor cache.title = strings.temp_title_in; cache.loc = strings.temp_in_info; cache.value = extractDecimal(data.intemp); cache.popupImg = 1; if (data.intempTL && data.intempTH) { // Indoor - and Max/Min values supplied cache.low = extractDecimal(data.intempTL); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.intempTH); cache.lowScale = getMinTemp(cache.minValue); cache.highScale = getMaxTemp(cache.maxValue); } else { // Indoor - no Max/Min values supplied cache.low = cache.value; cache.lowScale = cache.value; cache.high = cache.value; cache.highScale = cache.value; } if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } } // has the gauge type changed? if (cache.selected !== sel) { cache.selected = sel; // Change gauge title ssGauge.setTitleString(cache.title); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValueVisible(cache.maxMinVisible); ssGauge.setMinMeasuredValueVisible(cache.maxMinVisible); if (config.showPopupGraphs && config.tipImgs[0][cache.popupImg] !== null) { var cacheDefeat = '?' + $('#imgtip0_img').attr('src').split('?')[1]; $('#imgtip0_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[0][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } // auto scale the ranges scaleStep = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? 10 : 20; while (cache.lowScale < cache.minValue) { cache.minValue -= scaleStep; if (cache.highScale <= cache.maxValue - scaleStep) { cache.maxValue -= scaleStep; } } while (cache.highScale > cache.maxValue) { cache.maxValue += scaleStep; if (cache.minValue >= cache.minValue + scaleStep) { cache.minValue += scaleStep; } } if (cache.minValue !== ssGauge.getMinValue() || cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setMinValue(cache.minValue); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); ssGauge.setValue(cache.minValue); } if (cache.selected === 'out') { cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.minValue, cache.recLow, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(+cache.low, +cache.high, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea) ]; } else if (data.intempTL && data.intempTH) { // Indoor and min/max avaiable cache.areas = [steelseries.Section(+cache.low, +cache.high, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]; } else { // Nndoor no min/max avaiable cache.areas = []; } if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { ssGauge.setTrend(cache.trend); } ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(+cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip if (cache.selected === 'out') { tip = cache.loc + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.lowestF_info + ': ' + cache.low + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TtempTL + ' | ' + strings.highestF_info + ': ' + cache.high + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TtempTH; if (cache.trendVal !== -9999) { tip += '
' + '↕ ' + LANG.EN.temp_trend_info + '(T): ' + tempTrend(cache.trendVal, data.tempunit, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendVal > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendVal + ' ' + data.tempunit + '/h'; } } else if (data.TintempTL && data.TintempTH) { // Indoor and min/max available tip = cache.loc + ' - ' + strings.lowestF_info + ': ' + cache.low + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TintempTL + ' | ' + strings.highestF_info + ': ' + cache.high + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TintempTH; } else { // Indoor no min/max tip = cache.loc + ': ' + data.intemp + data.tempunit; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=47) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Rosa: T>=47 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=45) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Marrón: T=45-47 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=42) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: T=42-45 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=39) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: T=39-42 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=35) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: T=35-39 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-8) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.MAGENTA_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Morada: T<=-8 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-6) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.MAGENTA_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Púrpura: T=-6--8 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-3) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.CYAN_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Lila: T=-3--6 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=0) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.BLUE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Azul: T=0--3 ' + data.tempunit; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } $('#imgtip0_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[0][cache.popupImg] !== null) { $('#imgtip0_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[0][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // End singleTemp() // // Singleton for the Dewpoint Gauge // singleDew = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); var tmp; // define dew point gauge start values cache.sections = createTempSections2(true); // Modificado por AGallardo cache.areas = []; cache.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC; cache.value = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC + 0.0001; // Has the end user selected a preferred 'scale' before tmp = getCookie('dewGauge'); cache.selected = tmp !== null ? tmp : config.dewDisplayType; setRadioCheck('rad_dew', cache.selected); switch (cache.selected) { case 'dew': cache.title = strings.dew_title; cache.popupImg = 0; params.trendVisible = false; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedVisible = false; // Añadido por AGallardo break; case 'app': cache.title = strings.apptemp_title; cache.popupImg = 1; params.trendVisible = gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo break; case 'wnd': cache.title = strings.chill_title; cache.popupImg = 2; break; case 'hea': cache.title = strings.heat_title; cache.popupImg = 3; break; case 'hum': cache.title = strings.humdx_title; cache.popupImg = 4; // no default } cache.minMeasuredVisible = false; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = false; // create dew point radial gauge if ($('#canvas_dew').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_dew').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.section = cache.sections; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.area = cache.areas; params.minValue = cache.minValue; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.tempunit; ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_dew', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_dew').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_dew').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { // if rad isn't specified, just use existing value var sel = cache.selected; // Argument length === 2 when called from event handler if (arguments.length === 1) { sel = arguments[0].value; // save the choice in a cookie setCookie('dewGauge', sel); } var t1, tip, scaleStep; cache.minValue = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC : gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinF; cache.maxValue = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC : gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxF; cache.lowScale = getMinTemp(cache.minValue); cache.highScale = getMaxTemp(cache.maxValue); switch (sel) { case 'dew': // dew point cache.low = extractDecimal(data.dewpointTL); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.dewpointTH); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.dew); cache.areas = [steelseries.Section(+cache.low, +cache.high, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]; cache.title = strings.dew_title; cache.minMeasuredVisible = false; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = false; cache.popupImg = 0; ssGauge.setTrendVisible(false); // Añadido por AGallardo; ssGauge.setUserLedVisible(false); // Añadido por AGallardo; tip = strings.dew_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.lowest_info + ': ' + cache.low + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TdewpointTL + ' | ' + strings.highest_info + ': ' + cache.high + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TdewpointTH; break; case 'app': // apparent temperature cache.recLow = +extractDecimal(data.apptempL); cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.apptempH); cache.low = extractDecimal(data.apptempTL); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.apptempTH); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.apptemp); cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.minValue, cache.recLow, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(+cache.low, +cache.high, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea) ]; cache.title = strings.apptemp_title; cache.minMeasuredVisible = false; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = false; ssGauge.setTrendVisible(true); // Añadido por AGallardo; cache.trendVal = extractDecimal(data.tapptrend); // Añadido por AGallardo cache.popupImg = 1; if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { t1 = tempTrend(+cache.trendVal, data.tempunit, false); if (t1 === -9999) { // trend value isn't currently available cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } else if (t1 > 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.UP; } else if (t1 < 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.DOWN; } else { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.STEADY; } } ssGauge.setUserLedVisible(true); // Añadido por AGallardo; tip = tip = strings.apptemp_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.lowestF_info + ': ' + cache.low + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TapptempTL + ' | ' + strings.highestF_info + ': ' + cache.high + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TapptempTH; if (cache.trendVal !== -9999) { tip += '
' + '↕ ' + LANG.EN.temp_trend_info + '(A): ' + tempTrend(cache.trendVal, data.tempunit, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendVal > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendVal + ' ' + data.tempunit + '/h'; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=47) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Rosa: A>=47 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=45) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Marrón: A=45-47 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=42) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: A=42-45 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=39) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: A=39-42 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value>=35) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: A=35-39 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-8) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.MAGENTA_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Morada: A<=-8 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-6) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.MAGENTA_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Púrpura: A=-6--8 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=-3) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.CYAN_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Lila: A=-3--6 ' + data.tempunit; } else if (cache.value<=0) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.BLUE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Azul: A=0--3 ' + data.tempunit; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { ssGauge.setTrend(cache.trend); } break; case 'wnd': // wind chill cache.low = extractDecimal(data.wchillTL); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.wchill); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.wchill); cache.areas = []; cache.title = strings.chill_title; cache.minMeasuredVisible = true; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = false; cache.popupImg = 2; tip = strings.chill_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.lowest_info + ': ' + cache.low + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TwchillTL; break; case 'hea': // heat index cache.low = extractDecimal(data.heatindex); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.heatindexTH); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.heatindex); cache.areas = []; cache.title = strings.heat_title; cache.minMeasuredVisible = false; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = true; cache.popupImg = 3; tip = strings.heat_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.highest_info + ': ' + cache.high + data.tempunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TheatindexTH; break; case 'hum': // humidex cache.low = extractDecimal(data.humidex); cache.high = extractDecimal(data.humidex); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.humidex); cache.areas = []; cache.title = strings.humdx_title; cache.minMeasuredVisible = false; cache.maxMeasuredVisible = false; cache.popupImg = 4; tip = strings.humdx_info + ': ' + cache.value + data.tempunit; break; // no default } if (cache.selected !== sel) { cache.selected = sel; // change gauge title ssGauge.setTitleString(cache.title); // and graph image if (config.showPopupGraphs && config.tipImgs[1][cache.popupImg] !== null) { var cacheDefeat = '?' + $('#imgtip1_img').attr('src').split('?')[1]; $('#imgtip1_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[1][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } // auto scale the ranges scaleStep = data.tempunit[1] === 'C' ? 10 : 20; while (cache.lowScale < cache.minValue) { cache.minValue -= scaleStep; if (cache.highScale <= cache.maxValue - scaleStep) { cache.maxValue -= scaleStep; } } while (cache.highScale > cache.maxValue) { cache.maxValue += scaleStep; if (cache.minValue >= cache.minValue + scaleStep) { cache.minValue += scaleStep; } } if (cache.minValue !== ssGauge.getMinValue() || cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setMinValue(cache.minValue); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); ssGauge.setValue(cache.minValue); } ssGauge.setMinMeasuredValueVisible(cache.minMeasuredVisible); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValueVisible(cache.maxMeasuredVisible); ssGauge.setMinMeasuredValue(+cache.low); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(+cache.high); ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(+cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip $('#imgtip1_txt').html(tip); } } function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[1][cache.popupImg] !== null) { $('#imgtip1_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[1][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // End of singleDew() // // Singleton for the Rainfall Gauge // singleRain = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define rain gauge start values cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.title = strings.rain_title; cache.lcdDecimals = 1; cache.scaleDecimals = 1; cache.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; cache.sections = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseSectionColours ? createRainfallSections(true) : []); cache.valGrad = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseGradientColours ? createRainfallGradient(true) : null); // create rain radial bargraph gauge if ($('#canvas_rain').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_rain').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.rainunit; //params.valueColor = steelseries.ColorDef.BLUE; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.valueGradient = cache.valGrad; params.useValueGradient = gaugeGlobals.rainUseGradientColours; params.section = cache.sections; params.useSectionColors = gaugeGlobals.rainUseSectionColours; params.labelNumberFormat = cache.labelNumberFormat; params.fractionalScaleDecimals = cache.scaleDecimals; params.niceScale = false; ssGauge = new steelseries.RadialBargraph('canvas_rain', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_rain').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_rain').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip; cache.value = extractDecimal(data.rfall); if (data.rainunit === 'mm') { // 10, 20, 30... cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 10), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm); } else { // inches 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ... 10.0, 12.0, 14.0 if (cache.value <= 1) { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 0.5), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } else if (cache.value <= 6) { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 1), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } else { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 2), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } cache.scaleDecimals = cache.maxValue < 1 ? 2 : 1; } if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { // Gauge scale is too low, increase it. // First set the pointer back to zero so we get a nice animation ssGauge.setValue(0); // and redraw the gauge with the new scale ssGauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(cache.scaleDecimals); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = strings.rain_title + ': ' + cache.value + ' ' + data.rainunit + ' | ' + data.rainHours + ' h
' + '- ' + strings.LastRain_info + ': ' + data.LastRained + ' | ' + strings.LastRainSt_info + ': ' + data.lastRainStorm + ' ' + data.rainunit + ' (' + data.daysStorm + ' d)
' + '- ' + strings.maxrain_info + ': ' + data.hourlyrainTH + ' ' + data.rainunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.ThourlyrainTH; //modificado por AGallardo $('#imgtip2_txt').html(tip); //modificado por AGallardo } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[2] !== null) { $('#imgtip2_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[2] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the ET Gauge by A.Gallardo // singleET = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define rain gauge start values cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.title = LANG.EN.et_title; cache.lcdDecimals = 2; cache.scaleDecimals = 2; cache.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; cache.sections = [ steelseries.Section(0, 2.9, '#289500'), steelseries.Section(2.9, 5.8, '#f7e400'), steelseries.Section(5.8, 7.8, '#f85900'), steelseries.Section(7.8, 10.9, '#d8001d'), steelseries.Section(10.9, 20, '#6b49c8') ]; // Define value gradient for UV cache.gradient = new steelseries.gradientWrapper(0, 16, [0, 0.1, 0.19, 0.31, 0.45, 0.625, 1], [ new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 255, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(248, 89, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 144, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(153, 140, 255, 1) ] ); cache.useSections = false; cache.useValueGradient = true; // create rain radial bargraph gauge if ($('#canvas_rain').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_et').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.rainunit; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.valueGradient = cache.gradient; params.useValueGradient = cache.useValueGradient; params.useSectionColors = cache.useSections; params.labelNumberFormat = cache.labelNumberFormat; params.lcdDecimals = cache.lcdDecimals; params.fractionalScaleDecimals = cache.scaleDecimals; params.niceScale = false; ssGauge = new steelseries.RadialBargraph('canvas_et', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_et').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_et').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip; cache.value = extractDecimal(data.ET); if (data.rainunit === 'mm') { // 10, 20, 30... cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 10), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm); } else { // inches 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ... 10.0, 12.0, 14.0 if (cache.value <= 1) { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 0.5), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } else if (cache.value <= 6) { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 1), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } else { cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 2), gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn); } cache.scaleDecimals = cache.maxValue < 1 ? 3 : 2; } if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { // Gauge scale is too low, increase it. // First set the pointer back to zero so we get a nice animation ssGauge.setValue(0); // and redraw the gauge with the new scale ssGauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(cache.scaleDecimals); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = cache.title + ': ' + cache.value + ' ' + data.rainunit + ' | ' + data.ETR + ' ' + data.rainunit + '/h'; //modificado por AGallardo $('#imgtip12_txt').html(tip); //modificado por AGallardo } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[12] !== null) { $('#imgtip12_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[12] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Rainfall Rate Gauge // singleRRate = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define rain rate gauge start values cache.areas = []; cache.maxMeasured = 0; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainRateScaleDefMaxmm; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.title = strings.rrate_title; cache.lcdDecimals = 1; cache.scaleDecimals = 0; cache.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; cache.sections = createRainRateSections2(true); // Modificado por AGallardo // create rain rate radial gauge if ($('#canvas_rrate').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_rrate').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.section = cache.sections; params.area = cache.areas; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.maxMeasuredValueVisible = true; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.rainunit + '/h'; params.lcdDecimals = cache.lcdDecimals; params.labelNumberFormat = cache.labelNumberFormat; params.fractionalScaleDecimals = cache.scaleDecimals; params.niceScale = false; params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_rrate', params); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxMeasured); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_rrate').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_rrate').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip; cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.rrateM); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.rrate); cache.maxMeasured = extractDecimal(data.rrateTM); cache.overallMax = Math.max(cache.maxMeasured, cache.value); // workaround for VWS bug, not supplying correct max value today if (data.rainunit === 'mm') { // 10, 20, 30... cache.maxValue = nextHighest(cache.overallMax, 10); } else { // inches 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ... 10, 20, 30... if (cache.overallMax <= 0.5) { cache.maxValue = 0.5; } else if (cache.overallMax <= 10) { cache.maxValue = nextHighest(cache.overallMax, 1); } else { cache.maxValue = nextHighest(cache.overallMax, 10); } cache.scaleDecimals = cache.maxValue < 1 ? 2 : (cache.maxValue < 7 ? 1 : 0); } if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setValue(0); ssGauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(cache.scaleDecimals); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord) ]; ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxMeasured); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = strings.rrate_info + ':
' + '- ' + strings.maximum_info + ': ' + data.rrateTM + ' ' + data.rainunit + '/h ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TrrateTM; // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=200) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Rosa: RR>=200 ' + data.rainunit + '/h '; } else if (cache.value>=100) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Marrón: RR=100-200 ' + data.rainunit + '/h '; } else if (cache.value>=50) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: RR=50-100 ' + data.rainunit + '/h '; } else if (cache.value>=30) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: RR=30-50 ' + data.rainunit + '/h '; } else if (cache.value>=20) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: RR=20-30 ' + data.rainunit + '/h '; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } $('#imgtip3_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[3] !== null) { $('#imgtip3_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[3] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Humidity Gauge // singleHum = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define humidity gauge start values cache.areas = []; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.title = strings.hum_title_out; cache.selected = 'out'; // create humidity radial gauge if ($('#canvas_hum').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_hum').width() * config.gaugeScaling); // Secciones modificadas por AGallardo params.section = [steelseries.Section(0, 10, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // rojo steelseries.Section(10, 20, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(20, 30, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(30, 95, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(95, 100, 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 1.0)')]; // azul oscuro params.area = cache.areas; params.maxValue = 100; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = 'RH%'; params.trendVisible = gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_hum', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_hum').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_hum').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var radio; // Argument length === 2 when called from event handler if (arguments.length === 1) { radio = arguments[0]; } // if rad isn't specified, just use existing value var sel = (typeof radio === 'undefined' ? cache.selected : radio.value), tip, t1; if (sel === 'out') { cache.recLow = +extractDecimal(data.humL); cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.humH); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.hum); cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(0, cache.recLow, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, 100, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(+extractDecimal(data.humTL), +extractDecimal(data.humTH), gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea), ]; cache.title = strings.hum_title_out; cache.trendVal = extractDecimal(data.humtrend); // Añadido por AGallardo cache.popupImg = 0; if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { t1 = humTrend(+cache.trendVal, false); if (t1 === -9999) { // trend value isn't currently available cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } else if (t1 > 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.UP; } else if (t1 < 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.DOWN; } else { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.STEADY; } } } else { cache.value = extractDecimal(data.inhum); if (data.inhumTL && data.inhumTH) { cache.areas = [steelseries.Section(+extractDecimal(data.inhumTL), +extractDecimal(data.inhumTH), gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]; } else { cache.areas = []; } cache.title = strings.hum_title_in; cache.popupImg = 1; } if (cache.selected !== sel) { cache.selected = sel; // Change gauge title ssGauge.setTitleString(cache.title); if (config.showPopupGraphs && config.tipImgs[4][cache.popupImg] !== null) { var cacheDefeat = '?' + $('#imgtip4_img').attr('src').split('?')[1]; $('#imgtip4_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[4][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { ssGauge.setTrend(cache.trend); } ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip if (cache.selected === 'out') { tip = strings.hum_out_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.minimum_info + ': ' + extractDecimal(data.humTL) + '% ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.ThumTL + ' | ' + strings.maximum_info + ': ' + extractDecimal(data.humTH) + '% ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.ThumTH; if (cache.trendVal !== -9999) { tip += '
' + '↕ ' + LANG.EN.temp_trend_info + '(H): ' + humTrend(cache.trendVal, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendVal > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendVal + ' %/h'; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=95) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.BLUE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Azul: H>=95 %'; } else if (cache.value<=10) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: H<=10 %'; } else if (cache.value<=20) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: H=10-20 %'; } else if (cache.value<=30) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: H=20-30 %'; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } } else if (data.inhumTL && data.inhumTH) { // we have indoor high/low data tip = strings.hum_in_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.minimum_info + ': ' + extractDecimal(data.inhumTL) + '% ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TinhumTL + ' | ' + strings.maximum_info + ': ' + extractDecimal(data.inhumTH) + '% ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TinhumTH; } else { // no indoor high/low data tip = strings.hum_in_info + ': ' + extractDecimal(data.inhum) + '%'; } $('#imgtip4_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[4][cache.popupImg] !== null) { $('#imgtip4_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[4][cache.popupImg] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Barometer Gauge // singleBaro = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define pressure/barometer gauge start values Modificado por AGallardo cache.sections = [steelseries.Section(980, 995, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(995, 1030, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(1030, 1040, 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 1.0)')]; // azul oscuro cache.areas = []; cache.minValue = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMinhPa; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxhPa; cache.value = cache.minValue + 0.0001; cache.title = strings.baro_title; cache.lcdDecimals = 1; cache.scaleDecimals = 0; cache.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; // create pressure/barometric radial gauge if ($('#canvas_baro').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_baro').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.section = cache.sections; params.area = cache.areas; params.minValue = cache.minValue; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.niceScale = false; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.pressunit; params.lcdDecimals = cache.lcdDecimals; params.trendVisible = gaugeGlobals.pressureTrendVisible; params.labelNumberFormat = cache.labelNumberFormat; params.fractionalScaleDecimals = cache.scaleDecimals; params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_baro', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_baro').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_baro').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip, t1, dps; cache.recLow = +extractDecimal(data.pressL); cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.pressH); cache.todayLow = +extractDecimal(data.pressTL); cache.todayHigh = +extractDecimal(data.pressTH); cache.value = +extractDecimal(data.press); // Convert the WD change over 3 hours to an hourly rate cache.trendVal = +extractDecimal(data.presstrendval) / (config.weatherProgram === 2 ? 3 : 1); if (data.pressunit === 'hPa' || data.pressunit === 'mb') { // default min range 990-1030 - steps of 10 hPa cache.minValue = Math.min(nextLowest(cache.recLow - 2, 10), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMinhPa); cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.recHigh + 2, 10), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxhPa); dps = 1; // 1 decimal place } else if (data.pressunit === 'kPa') { // default min range 99-105 - steps of 1 kPa cache.minValue = Math.min(nextLowest(cache.recLow - 0.2, 1), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMinkPa); cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.recHigh + 0.2, 1), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxkPa); dps = 2; } else { // inHg: default min range 29.5-30.5 - steps of 0.5 inHg cache.minValue = Math.min(nextLowest(cache.recLow - 0.1, 0.5), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMininHg); cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.recHigh + 0.1, 0.5), gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxinHg); dps = 3; } cache.trendValRnd = cache.trendVal.toFixed(dps); cache.todayLowRnd = cache.todayLow.toFixed(dps); cache.todayHighRnd = cache.todayHigh.toFixed(dps); if (cache.minValue !== ssGauge.getMinValue() || cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setMinValue(cache.minValue); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); ssGauge.setValue(cache.minValue); } if (cache.recHigh === cache.todayHigh && cache.recLow === cache.todayLow) { // VWS does not provide record hi/lo values // cache.sections = []; Suprimido por AGallardo cache.areas = [steelseries.Section(cache.todayLow, cache.todayHigh, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]; } else { //cache.sections = [ // steelseries.Section(cache.minValue, cache.recLow, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'), // steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)') //]; cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.minValue, cache.recLow, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(cache.todayLow, cache.todayHigh, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea) ]; } if (gaugeGlobals.pressureTrendVisible) { // Use the baroTrend rather than simple arithmetic test - steady is more/less than zero! t1 = baroTrend(cache.trendVal, data.pressunit, false); if (t1 === -9999) { // trend value isn't currently available cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } else if (t1 > 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.UP; } else if (t1 < 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.DOWN; } else { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.STEADY; } ssGauge.setTrend(cache.trend); } ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setSection(cache.sections); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = strings.baro_info + ':' + '
' + '- ' + strings.minimum_info + ': ' + cache.todayLowRnd + ' ' + data.pressunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TpressTL + ' | ' + strings.maximum_info + ': ' + cache.todayHighRnd + ' ' + data.pressunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TpressTH; if (cache.trendVal !== -9999) { tip += '
' + '↕ ' + LANG.EN.baro_trend_info + '(P): ' + baroTrend(cache.trendVal, data.pressunit, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendValRnd > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendValRnd + ' ' + data.pressunit + '/h'; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=1030) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.BLUE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Azul: P>=1030 ' + data.pressunit; } else if (cache.value<=995) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: P<=995 ' + data.pressunit; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } $('#imgtip5_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[5] !== null) { $('#imgtip5_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[5] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Wind Speed Gauge // singleWind = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define wind gauge start values cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxKph; cache.areas = []; cache.maxMeasured = 0; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.title = strings.wind_title; // create wind speed radial gauge if ($('#canvas_wind').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_wind').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.area = cache.areas; params.section = [steelseries.Section(10, 25, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(25, 40, 'rgba(223, 255, 0, 0.8)'), // cartujo steelseries.Section(40, 60, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(60, 80, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(80, 100, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // rojo steelseries.Section(100, 120, 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // marrón steelseries.Section(120, 400, 'rgba(255, 192, 203, 1.0)')]; // rosa params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.niceScale = false; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.maxMeasuredValueVisible = true; params.titleString = cache.title; params.unitString = data.windunit; params.trendVisible = gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.ledVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo params.ledColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_wind', params); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxMeasured); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_wind').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_wind').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip, t1; cache.recHighG = +extractDecimal(data.wgustM); cache.recHighW = +extractDecimal(data.windM); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.wlatest); cache.average = extractDecimal(data.wspeed); cache.gust = extractDecimal(data.wgust); cache.maxGustToday = extractDecimal(data.wgustTM); cache.maxAvgToday = extractDecimal(data.windTM); cache.trendVal = extractDecimal(data.windtrend); // Añadido por AGallardo cache.trendValG = extractDecimal(data.gusttrend); // Añadido por AGallardo if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { t1 = windTrend(+cache.trendVal, data.windunit, false); if (t1 === -9999) { // trend value isn't currently available cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.OFF; } else if (t1 > 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.UP; } else if (t1 < 0) { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.DOWN; } else { cache.trend = steelseries.TrendState.STEADY; } } switch (data.windunit) { case 'mph': case 'kts': cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.maxGustToday, 10), gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxMph); break; case 'm/s': cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.maxGustToday, 5), gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxMs); break; default: cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.maxGustToday, 20), gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxKmh); } // cache.areas modificado por AGallardo cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.recHighW, cache.recHighG, 'rgba(100, 0, 100, 0.2)'), steelseries.Section(cache.recHighG, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord), steelseries.Section(0, +cache.average, gaugeGlobals.windAvgArea), steelseries.Section(+cache.average, +cache.gust, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea), steelseries.Section(+cache.gust, +cache.maxAvgToday, gaugeGlobals.windVariationSector) ]; if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setValue(0); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } if (gaugeGlobals.tempTrendVisible) { ssGauge.setTrend(cache.trend); } ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxGustToday); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = strings.tenminavgwind_info + ': ' + cache.average + ' ' + data.windunit + ' | ' + strings.maxavgwind_info + ': ' + cache.maxAvgToday + ' ' + data.windunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TwindTM +'
'; if (cache.trendVal !== -9999) { tip += '↕ ' + LANG.EN.temp_trend_info + '(W): ' + windTrend(cache.trendVal, data.windunit, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendVal > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendVal + ' ' + data.windunit + '/h
'; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.average>=105) { ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.setThreshold(0); tip += '⚠️ Alarma Rosa: W>=105 ' + data.windunit + '
'; } else if (cache.average>=85) { ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.setThreshold(0); tip += '⚠️ Alarma Marrón: W=85-105 ' + data.windunit + '
'; } else if (cache.average>=65) { ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.setThreshold(0); tip += '⚠️ Alarma Roja: W=65-85 ' + data.windunit + '
'; } else if (cache.average>=45) { ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.setThreshold(0); tip += '⚠️ Alarma Naranja: W=45-65 ' + data.windunit + '
'; } else if (cache.average>=25) { ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.setThreshold(0); tip += '⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: W=25-45 ' + data.windunit + '
'; } else { ssGauge.setThreshold(999); ssGauge.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } tip += strings.tenmingust_info + ': ' + cache.gust + ' ' + data.windunit + ' | ' + strings.maxgust_info + ': ' + cache.maxGustToday + ' ' + data.windunit + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TwgustTM; if (cache.trendValG !== -9999) { tip += '
↕ ' + LANG.EN.temp_trend_info + '(G): ' + windTrend(cache.trendValG, data.windunit, true) + ' ' + (cache.trendValG > 0 ? '+' : '') + cache.trendValG + ' ' + data.windunit + '/h'; } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.gust>=120) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Rosa: G10m>=120 ' + data.windunit; } else if (cache.gust>=100) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Marrón: G10m=100-120 ' + data.windunit; } else if (cache.gust>=80) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: G10m=80-100 ' + data.windunit; } else if (cache.gust>=60) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: G10m=60-80 ' + data.windunit; } else if (cache.gust>=40) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: G10m=40-60 ' + data.windunit; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } $('#imgtip6_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[6] !== null) { $('#imgtip6_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[6] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // End of singleWind() // // Singleton for the Wind Direction Gauge // singleDir = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define wind direction gauge start values cache.valueLatest = 0; cache.valueAverage = 0; cache.titles = [strings.latest_web, strings.tenminavg_web]; // create wind direction/compass radial gauge if ($('#canvas_dir').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_dir').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.pointerTypeLatest = gaugeGlobals.pointer; // default TYPE8, params.pointerTypeAverage = gaugeGlobals.dirAvgPointer; // default TYPE8 params.pointerColorAverage = gaugeGlobals.dirAvgPointerColour; params.degreeScale = true; // Show degree scale rather than ordinal directions params.pointSymbols = strings.compass; params.roseVisible = false; params.lcdTitleStrings = cache.titles; params.useColorLabels = false; ssGauge = new steelseries.WindDirection('canvas_dir', params); ssGauge.setValueAverage(+cache.valueAverage); ssGauge.setValueLatest(+cache.valueLatest); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_dir').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_dir').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var windSpd, windGst, range, tip, i, rosePoints = 0, roseMax = 0, roseSectionAngle = 0, roseAreas = []; cache.valueLatest = extractInteger(data.bearing); cache.valueAverage = extractInteger(data.avgbearing); cache.bearingFrom = extractInteger(data.BearingRangeFrom10); cache.bearingTo = extractInteger(data.BearingRangeTo10); ssGauge.setValueAnimatedAverage(+cache.valueAverage); if (cache.valueAverage === 0) { cache.valueLatest = 0; } ssGauge.setValueAnimatedLatest(+cache.valueLatest); if (config.showWindVariation) { windSpd = +extractDecimal(data.wspeed); windGst = +extractDecimal(data.wgust); switch (data.windunit.toLowerCase()) { case 'mph': cache.avgKnots = 0.868976242 * windSpd; cache.gstKnots = 0.868976242 * windGst; break; case 'kts': cache.avgKnots = windSpd; cache.gstKnots = windGst; break; case 'm/s': cache.avgKnots = 1.94384449 * windSpd; cache.gstKnots = 1.94384449 * windGst; break; case 'km/h': cache.avgKnots = 0.539956803 * windSpd; cache.gstKnots = 0.539956803 * windGst; break; // no default } cache.avgKnots = Math.round(cache.avgKnots); cache.gstKnots = Math.round(cache.gstKnots); if (config.showWindMetar) { ssGauge.VRB = ' - METAR: ' + ('0' + cache.valueAverage).slice(-3) + ('0' + cache.avgKnots).slice(-2) + 'G' + ('0' + cache.gstKnots).slice(-2) + 'KT '; } else { ssGauge.VRB = ''; } if (windSpd > 0) { // If variation less than 60 degrees, then METAR = Steady // Unless range = 0 and from/to direction = avg + 180 range = (+cache.bearingTo < +cache.bearingFrom ? 360 + (+cache.bearingTo) : +cache.bearingTo) - (+cache.bearingFrom); if (cache.avgKnots < 3) { // Europe uses 3kts, USA 6kts as the threshold if (config.showRoseOnDirGauge) { ssGauge.setSection([steelseries.Section(cache.bearingFrom, cache.bearingTo, gaugeGlobals.windVariationSector)]); ssGauge.setSection([]); } else { ssGauge.setSection([steelseries.Section(cache.bearingFrom, cache.bearingTo, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]); ssGauge.setArea([]); } } else if (config.showRoseOnDirGauge) { ssGauge.setSection([steelseries.Section(cache.bearingFrom, cache.bearingTo, gaugeGlobals.windVariationSector)]); } else { ssGauge.setSection([]); ssGauge.setArea([steelseries.Section(cache.bearingFrom, cache.bearingTo, gaugeGlobals.minMaxArea)]); } if (config.showWindMetar) { if ((range < 60 && range > 0) || range === 0 && cache.bearingFrom === cache.valueAverage) { ssGauge.VRB += ' STDY'; } else if (cache.avgKnots < 3) { // Europe uses 3kts, USA 6kts as the threshold ssGauge.VRB += ' VRB'; } else { ssGauge.VRB += ' ' + cache.bearingFrom + 'V' + cache.bearingTo; } } } else { // Zero wind speed, calm if (config.showWindMetar) { ssGauge.VRB = ' - METAR: 00000KT'; } ssGauge.setSection([]); if (!config.showRoseOnDirGauge) { ssGauge.setArea([]); } } } else { ssGauge.VRB = ''; } // optional rose data on direction gauge if (config.showRoseOnDirGauge && data.WindRoseData) { // Process rose data rosePoints = data.WindRoseData.length; roseSectionAngle = 360 / rosePoints; // Find total for all directions for (i = 0; i < rosePoints; i++) { roseMax = Math.max(roseMax, data.WindRoseData[i]); } // Check we actually have some data, bad things happen if roseMax=0! if (roseMax > 0) { // Find relative value for each point, and create a gauge area for it for (i = 0; i < rosePoints; i++) { roseAreas[i] = steelseries.Section( i * roseSectionAngle - roseSectionAngle / 2, (i + 1) * roseSectionAngle - roseSectionAngle / 2, 'rgba(' + gradient('2020D0', 'D04040', data.WindRoseData[i] / roseMax) + ',' + (data.WindRoseData[i] / roseMax).toFixed(2) + ')' ); } } ssGauge.setArea(roseAreas); } if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = strings.latest_title + ' ' + strings.bearing_info + ': ' + cache.valueLatest + '° (' + getord(+cache.valueLatest) + ')' + '
' + strings.tenminavg_web + ' ' + strings.bearing_info + ': ' + cache.valueAverage + '° (' + getord(+cache.valueAverage) + ') ' + ssGauge.VRB + '
' + strings.dominant_bearing + ': ' + data.bearingTM + '° (' + data.domwinddir + ')'; if (!config.showRoseGauge) { // Wind run is shown on the wind rose if it is available tip += '
' + strings.windruntoday + ': ' + data.windrun + ' ' + displayUnits.windrun; } $('#imgtip7_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[7] !== null) { $('#imgtip7_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[7] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Wind Rose Gauge // singleRose = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var buffers = {}; // Stores references to the various canvas buffers var cache = {}; // various parameters to store for the life time of gauge var ctxRoseCanvas; // 2D context for the plotted gauge cache.firstRun = true; cache.odoDigits = 5; // Total number of odometer digits including the decimal function init() { var div, roseCanvas; // Get the context of the gauge canvas on the HTML page if ($('#canvas_rose').length) { cache.gaugeSize = Math.ceil($('#canvas_rose').width() * config.gaugeScaling); cache.gaugeSize2 = cache.gaugeSize / 2; cache.showOdo = config.showRoseGaugeOdo || false; cache.compassStrings = strings.compass; cache.titleString = strings.windrose; cache.gaugeOdoTitle = strings.km; // Create a hidden div to host the Rose plot div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(div); // Calcuate the size of the gauge background and so the size of rose plot required cache.plotSize = Math.floor(cache.gaugeSize * 0.68); cache.plotSize2 = cache.plotSize / 2; // rose plot canvas buffer buffers.plot = document.createElement('canvas'); buffers.plot.width = cache.plotSize; buffers.plot.height = cache.plotSize; buffers.plot.id = 'rosePlot'; buffers.ctxPlot = buffers.plot.getContext('2d'); div.appendChild(buffers.plot); // Create a steelseries gauge frame buffers.frame = document.createElement('canvas'); buffers.frame.width = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.frame.height = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.ctxFrame = buffers.frame.getContext('2d'); steelseries.drawFrame( buffers.ctxFrame, gaugeGlobals.frameDesign, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize ); // Create a steelseries gauge background buffers.background = document.createElement('canvas'); buffers.background.width = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.background.height = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.ctxBackground = buffers.background.getContext('2d'); steelseries.drawBackground( buffers.ctxBackground, gaugeGlobals.background, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize ); // Optional - add a background image /* if (g_imgSmall !== null) { var drawSize = g_size * 0.831775; var x = (g_size - drawSize) / 2; buffers.ctxBackground.drawImage(g_imgSmall, x, x, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize); } */ // Add the compass points drawCompassPoints(buffers.ctxBackground, cache.gaugeSize); // Create a steelseries gauge foreground buffers.foreground = document.createElement('canvas'); buffers.foreground.width = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.foreground.height = cache.gaugeSize; buffers.ctxForeground = buffers.foreground.getContext('2d'); steelseries.drawForeground( buffers.ctxForeground, gaugeGlobals.foreground, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize, false ); roseCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas_rose'); ctxRoseCanvas = roseCanvas.getContext('2d'); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_rose').css({width: cache.gaugeSize + 'px', height: cache.gaugeSize + 'px'}); } // resize canvas on main page roseCanvas.width = cache.gaugeSize; roseCanvas.height = cache.gaugeSize; // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_rose').css(gaugeShadow(cache.gaugeSize)); } // Render an empty gauge, looks better than just the shadow background and odometer ;) // Paint the gauge frame ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.frame, 0, 0); // Paint the gauge background ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.background, 0, 0); // Paint the gauge foreground ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.foreground, 0, 0); // Create an odometer if (cache.showOdo) { cache.odoHeight = Math.ceil(cache.gaugeSize * 0.08); cache.odoWidth = Math.ceil(Math.floor(cache.odoHeight * 0.68) * cache.odoDigits); // 'Magic' number, do not alter // Create a new canvas for the oodometer buffers.Odo = document.createElement('canvas'); $(buffers.Odo).attr({ id : 'canvas_odo', width : cache.odoWidth, height: cache.odoHeight }); // Position it $(buffers.Odo).css({ position: 'absolute', top : Math.ceil(cache.gaugeSize * 0.7 + $('#canvas_rose').position().top) + 'px', left : Math.ceil((cache.gaugeSize - cache.odoWidth) / 2 + $('#canvas_rose').position().left) + 'px' }); // Insert it into the DOM before the Rose gauge $(buffers.Odo).insertBefore('#canvas_rose'); // Create the odometer ssGauge = new steelseries.Odometer('canvas_odo', { height : cache.odoHeight, digits : cache.odoDigits - 1, valueForeColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)", valueBackColor: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", decimalForeColor: "rgb(255, 0, 0)", decimalBackColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)", decimals: 1 }); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } cache.firstRun = false; function update() { var rose, offset; if (ctxRoseCanvas && !cache.firstRun) { // Clear the gauge ctxRoseCanvas.clearRect(0, 0, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize); // Clear the existing rose plot buffers.ctxPlot.clearRect(0, 0, cache.plotSize, cache.plotSize); // Create a new rose plot rose = new RGraph.Rose('rosePlot', data.WindRoseData); rose.Set('chart.strokestyle', 'black'); rose.Set('chart.background.axes.color', 'gray'); rose.Set('chart.colors.alpha', 0.5); rose.Set('chart.colors', ['Gradient(#408040:red:#7070A0)']); rose.Set('chart.margin', Math.ceil(40 / data.WindRoseData.length)); rose.Set('chart.title', cache.titleString); rose.Set('chart.title.size', Math.ceil(0.05 * cache.plotSize)); rose.Set('chart.title.bold', false); rose.Set('chart.title.color', gaugeGlobals.background.labelColor.getRgbColor()); rose.Set('chart.gutter.top', 0.2 * cache.plotSize); rose.Set('chart.gutter.bottom', 0.2 * cache.plotSize); rose.Set('chart.tooltips.effect', 'snap'); rose.Set('chart.labels.axes', ''); rose.Set('chart.background.circles', true); rose.Set('chart.background.grid.spokes', 16); rose.Set('chart.radius', cache.plotSize2); rose.Draw(); // Add title to windrun odometer to the plot if (cache.showOdo) { drawOdoTitle(buffers.ctxPlot); } // Paint the gauge frame ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.frame, 0, 0); // Paint the gauge background ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.background, 0, 0); // Paint the rose plot offset = Math.floor(cache.gaugeSize2 - cache.plotSize2); ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.plot, offset, offset); // Paint the gauge foreground ctxRoseCanvas.drawImage(buffers.foreground, 0, 0); // update the odometer if (cache.showOdo) { ssGauge.setValueAnimated(extractDecimal(data.windrun)); } // update tooltip if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { $('#imgtip10_txt').html( strings.dominant_bearing + ': ' + data.domwinddir + '
' + strings.windruntoday + ': ' + data.windrun + ' ' + displayUnits.windrun ); } } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[10] !== null) { $('#imgtip10_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[10] + cacheDefeat); } } // Helper function to put the compass points on the background function drawCompassPoints(ctx, size) { ctx.save(); // set the font ctx.font = 0.08 * size + 'px serif'; ctx.strokeStyle = gaugeGlobals.background.labelColor.getRgbaColor(); ctx.fillStyle = gaugeGlobals.background.labelColor.getRgbColor(); ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; // Draw the compass points for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ctx.translate(size / 2, size * 0.125); ctx.fillText(cache.compassStrings[i * 2], 0, 0, size); ctx.translate(-size / 2, -size * 0.125); // Move to center ctx.translate(size / 2, size / 2); ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2); ctx.translate(-size / 2, -size / 2); } ctx.restore(); } function drawOdoTitle(ctx) { ctx.save(); ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.font = 0.05 * cache.gaugeSize + 'px Arial,Verdana,sans-serif'; ctx.strokeStyle = gaugeGlobals.background.labelColor.getRgbaColor(); ctx.fillStyle = gaugeGlobals.background.labelColor.getRgbaColor(); ctx.fillText(cache.gaugeOdoTitle, cache.plotSize2, cache.plotSize * 0.75, cache.plotSize * 0.5); ctx.restore(); } function setTitle(newTitle) { cache.titleString = newTitle; } function setOdoTitle(newTitle) { cache.gaugeOdoTitle = newTitle; } function setCompassStrings(newArray) { cache.compassStrings = newArray; if (!cache.firstRun) { // Redraw the background steelseries.drawBackground( buffers.ctxBackground, gaugeGlobals.background, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize2, cache.gaugeSize, cache.gaugeSize ); // Add the compass points drawCompassPoints(buffers.ctxBackground, cache.gaugeSize); } } return { update : update, gauge : ssGauge, drawCompassPoints: drawCompassPoints, setTitle : setTitle, setCompassStrings: setCompassStrings, setOdoTitle : setOdoTitle }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the UV-Index Gauge // singleUV = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define UV start values cache.areas = []; cache.maxMeasured = 0; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.uvScaleDefMax; cache.value = 0.0001; cache.sections = [ steelseries.Section(0.5, 2.5, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), steelseries.Section(2.5, 5.5, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), steelseries.Section(5.5, 7.5, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), steelseries.Section(7.5, 10.5, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), steelseries.Section(10.5, 20, '#6b49c8') ]; cache.lcdDecimals = 1; cache.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; // create UV bargraph gauge if ($('#canvas_uv').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_uv').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.titleString = strings.uv_title; params.niceScale = false; params.section = cache.sections; params.area = cache.areas; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.maxMeasuredValueVisible = true; params.lcdDecimals = gaugeGlobals.uvLcdDecimals; params.labelNumberFormat = cache.labelNumberFormat; params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_uv', params); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxMeasured); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_uv').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_uv').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip, indx; cache.recHigh = +extractDecimal(data.UVH); cache.value = extractDecimal(data.UV); cache.maxToday = extractDecimal(data.UVTH); if (+cache.value === 0) { indx = 0; } else if (cache.value < 2.5) { indx = 1; } else if (cache.value < 5.5) { indx = 2; } else if (cache.value < 7.5) { indx = 3; } else if (cache.value < 10.5) { indx = 4; } else { indx = 5; } cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 2), gaugeGlobals.uvScaleDefMax); if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setValue(0); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } cache.areas = [ steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord) ]; cache.risk = strings.uv_levels[indx]; cache.headLine = strings.uv_headlines[indx]; cache.detail = strings.uv_details[indx]; ssGauge.setUnitString(cache.risk); ssGauge.setArea(cache.areas); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxToday); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = '' + strings.uv_title + ': ' + cache.value + ' - ' + strings.solar_maxToday + ': ' + data.UVTH + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TUVTH + '
'; // Modificado por AGallardo tip += '' + cache.headLine + '
'; tip += cache.detail; // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=8) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: UV>=8'; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); } $('#imgtip8_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[8] !== null) { $('#imgtip8_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[8] + cacheDefeat); } } return { update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Solar Irradiation Gauge // Modificado en solar el userLED por AGallardo singleSolar = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); // define Solar start values cache.maxMeasured = 0; // Añadido por AGallardo cache.value = 0.0001; // secciones modificadas por AGallardo cache.sections = [ steelseries.Section(100, 300, 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1.0)'), // azul claro steelseries.Section(300, 600, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(600, 800, 'rgba(223, 255, 0, 0.8)'), // cartujo steelseries.Section(800, 1000, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(1000, 1200, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(1200, 1800, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)') // rojo ]; // create Solar gauge if ($('#canvas_solar').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_solar').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.section = cache.sections; params.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.solarGaugeScaleMax; params.titleString = strings.solar_title; params.gaugeType = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4; params.unitString = 'W/m²'; params.niceScale = false; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.maxMeasuredValueVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.lcdDecimals = 0; if (config.showSunshineLed) { params.userLedVisible = true; // Añadido por AGallardo params.userLedColor = steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED; // Añadido por AGallardo } ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_solar', params); ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxMeasured); // Añadido por AGallardo ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_solar').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_solar').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { var tip, percent, maxpercent; cache.recHigh = +extractInteger(data.SolarM); cache.value = +extractInteger(data.SolarRad); cache.maxToday = extractDecimal(data.SolarTM); cache.currMaxValue = +extractInteger(data.CurrentSolarMax); percent = (+cache.currMaxValue === 0 ? '--' : Math.round(+cache.value / +cache.currMaxValue * 100)); maxpercent = (+cache.currMaxValue === 0 ? '--' : Math.round(+cache.maxToday / +cache.currMaxValue * 100)); // Need to rescale the gauge? cache.maxValue = Math.max(cache.value, cache.currMaxValue, cache.maxToday, gaugeGlobals.solarGaugeScaleMax); cache.maxValue = nextHighest(cache.maxValue, 100); if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { ssGauge.setValue(0); ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } // Set a section (10% of maxScale wide) to show current theoretical max value if (data.CurrentSolarMax !== 'N/A') { ssGauge.setArea([ // Sunshine threshold steelseries.Section( Math.max(cache.currMaxValue * gaugeGlobals.sunshineThresholdPct / 100, gaugeGlobals.sunshineThreshold), cache.currMaxValue, 'rgba(255,255,50,0.4)' ), // Over max threshold steelseries.Section( cache.currMaxValue, Math.min(cache.currMaxValue * 1.10, cache.recHigh), 'rgba(220,0,0,0.5)' ), steelseries.Section(cache.recHigh, cache.maxValue, gaugeGlobals.minMaxRecord) ]); } // Set the values ssGauge.setMaxMeasuredValue(cache.maxToday); ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (ddimgtooltip.showTips) { // update tooltip tip = '' + strings.solar_title + ': ' + cache.value + ' W/m² (' + percent + '% ' + strings.solar_ofMax + ')'; if (typeof data.SolarTM !== 'undefined') { tip += '
- ' + strings.solar_maxToday + ': ' + cache.maxToday + ' W/m² (' + maxpercent + '% ' + strings.solar_ofMax + ') ' + strings.at + ' ' + data.TSolarTM; // Modificado por AGallardo tip += '
- ' + strings.solar_currentMax + ': ' + cache.currMaxValue + ' W/m²'; // Modificado por AGallardo } // Configuro el userLed por AGallardo if (cache.value>=1200) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Roja: S>=1200 W/m²'; } else if (cache.value>=1000) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.ORANGE_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Naranja: S=1000-1200 W/m²'; } else if (cache.value>=800) { ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.YELLOW_LED); ssGauge.blinkUserLed(true); tip += '
⚠️ Alarma Amarilla: S=800-1000 W/m²'; } else { ssGauge.blinkUserLed(false); ssGauge.setUserLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); if (config.showSunshineLed) { ssGauge.setUserLedOnOff( percent !== '--' && percent >= gaugeGlobals.sunshineThresholdPct && +cache.value >= gaugeGlobals.sunshineThreshold ); } } $('#imgtip9_txt').html(tip); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[9] !== null) { $('#imgtip9_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[9] + cacheDefeat); } } return { update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // Singleton for the Cloudbase Gauge // singleCloudBase = (function () { var instance; // Stores a reference to the Singleton var ssGauge; // Stores a reference to the SS Gauge var cache = {}; // Stores various config values and parameters function init() { var params = $.extend(true, {}, commonParams); cache.sections = createCloudBaseSections(true); cache.value = 0.0001; cache.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.cloudScaleDefMaxm; // create Cloud base radial gauge if ($('#canvas_cloud').length) { params.size = Math.ceil($('#canvas_cloud').width() * config.gaugeScaling); params.section = cache.sections; params.maxValue = cache.maxValue; params.titleString = strings.cloudbase_title; params.unitString = strings.metres; params.thresholdVisible = false; params.lcdDecimals = 0; ssGauge = new steelseries.Radial('canvas_cloud', params); ssGauge.setValue(cache.value); // over-ride CSS applied size? if (config.gaugeScaling !== 1) { $('#canvas_cloud').css({width: params.size + 'px', height: params.size + 'px'}); } // add a shadow to the gauge if (config.showGaugeShadow) { $('#canvas_cloud').css(gaugeShadow(params.size)); } // subcribe to data updates $.subscribe('gauges.dataUpdated', update); $.subscribe('gauges.graphUpdate', updateGraph); } else { // cannot draw gauge, return null return null; } function update() { cache.value = extractInteger(data.cloudbasevalue); if (data.cloudbaseunit === 'm') { // adjust metre gauge in jumps of 1000 metres, don't downscale during the session cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 1000), gaugeGlobals.cloudScaleDefMaxm, cache.maxValue); if (cache.value <= 1000 && config.roundCloudbaseVal) { // and round the value to the nearest 10 m cache.value = Math.round(cache.value / 10) * 10; } else if (config.roundCloudbaseVal) { // and round the value to the nearest 50 m cache.value = Math.round(cache.value / 50) * 50; } } else { // adjust feet gauge in jumps of 2000 ft, don't downscale during the session cache.maxValue = Math.max(nextHighest(cache.value, 2000), gaugeGlobals.cloudScaleDefMaxft, cache.maxValue); if (cache.value <= 2000 && config.roundCloudbaseVal) { // and round the value to the nearest 50 ft cache.value = Math.round(cache.value / 50) * 50; } else if (config.roundCloudbaseVal) { // and round the value to the nearest 100 ft cache.value = Math.round(cache.value / 100) * 100; } } if (cache.maxValue !== ssGauge.getMaxValue()) { if (ssGauge.getMaxValue() > cache.maxValue) { // Gauge currently showing more than our max (nice scale effct), // so reset our max to match cache.maxValue = ssGauge.getMaxValue(); } else { // Gauge scale is too low, increase it. // First set the pointer back to zero so we get a nice animation ssGauge.setValue(0); // and redraw the gauge with teh new scale ssGauge.setMaxValue(cache.maxValue); } } ssGauge.setValueAnimated(cache.value); if (config.showPopupData) { // static tooltip on cloud gauge $('#imgtip11_txt').html('' + strings.cloudbase_popup_title + '
' + strings.cloudbase_popup_text); } } // End of update() function updateGraph(evnt, cacheDefeat) { if (config.tipImgs[11] !== null) { $('#imgtip11_img').attr('src', config.imgPathURL + config.tipImgs[11] + cacheDefeat); } } return { data : cache, update: update, gauge : ssGauge }; } // End of init() return { // Get the Singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if (!instance) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })(), // // getRealtime() fetches the realtimegauges JSON data from the server // getRealtime = function () { var url = config.realTimeURL; if ($.active > 0) { // kill any outstanding requests jqXHR.abort(); } if (config.longPoll) { url += '?timestamp=' + timestamp; } jqXHR = $.ajax({ url : url, cache : (config.longPoll), dataType: 'json', timeout : config.longPoll ? (Math.min(config.realtimeInterval, 20) + 21) * 1000 : 21000 // 21 second time-out by default }).done(function (data) { checkRtResp(data); }).fail(function (xhr, status, err) { checkRtError(xhr, status, err); }); }, // // checkRtResp() called by the Ajax fetch once data has been downloaded // checkRtResp = function (response) { var delay; statusTimer.reset(config.longPoll ? 1 : config.realtimeInterval); if (config.longPoll && response.status !== 'OK') { checkRtError(null, 'PHP Error', response.status); } else { if (processData(response)) { delay = ajaxDelay; } else { delay = 5; } if (delay > 0) { downloadTimer = setTimeout(getRealtime, delay * 1000); } else { getRealtime(); } } }, // // checkRtError() called by the Ajax fetch if an error occurs during the fetching realtimegauges.txt // checkRtError = function (xhr, status, error) { if (xhr == null || xhr.statusText !== 'abort') { // Clear any existing download timer clearTimeout(downloadTimer); // Set the status LED to off ledIndicator.setLedOnOff(false); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.led_title_unknown); statusScroller.setText(status + ': ' + error); // wait 5 seconds, then try again... downloadTimer = setTimeout(getRealtime, 5000); } }, // // processData() massages the data returned in realtimegauges.txt, and posts a gauges.dataUpdated event to update the page // processData = function (dataObj) { var str, dt, tm, today, now, then, tmp, elapsedMins, retVal, elapsedDays; // copy the realtime fields into the global 'data' object if (config.longPoll) { timestamp = dataObj.timestamp; data = dataObj.data; } else { // normal polling data = dataObj; } createSummary(data); // and check we have the expected version number if (typeof data.ver !== 'undefined' && data.ver >= realtimeVer) { // mainpulate the last rain time into something more friendly try { str = data.LastRainTipISO.split(' '); dt = str[0].replace(/\//g, '-').split('-'); // WD uses dd/mm/yyyy, we use a '-' tm = str[1].split(':'); today = new Date(); today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); now = Date.now(); if (typeof data.dateFormat === 'undefined') { data.dateFormat = 'y/m/d'; } else { // frig for WD bug which leaves a trailing % character from the tag data.dateFormat = data.dateFormat.replace('%', ''); } if (data.dateFormat === 'y/m/d') { // ISO/Cumulus format then = new Date(dt[0], dt[1] - 1, dt[2], tm[0], tm[1], 0, 0); } else if (data.dateFormat === 'd/m/y') { then = new Date(dt[2], dt[1] - 1, dt[0], tm[0], tm[1], 0, 0); } else { // m/d/y then = new Date(dt[2], dt[0] - 1, dt[1], tm[0], tm[1], 0, 0); } if (then.getTime() >= today.getTime()) { data.LastRained = strings.LastRainedT_info + ' ' + str[1]; } else if (then.getTime() + 86400000 >= today.getTime()) { data.LastRained = strings.LastRainedY_info + ' ' + str[1]; } else { elapsedDays = Math.floor((now - then) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // Añadido por AGallardo data.LastRained = then.getDate().toString() + ' ' + strings.months[then.getMonth()] + ' ' + strings.at + ' ' + str[1] + ' (' + elapsedDays + ' ' + strings.StatusDaysAgo + ')'; } } catch (e) { data.LastRained = data.LastRainTipISO; } if (data.tempunit.length > 1) { // clean up temperature units - remove html encoded degree symbols data.tempunit = data.tempunit.replace(/&\S*;/, '°'); // old Cumulus versions uses °, WeatherCat uses ° } else { // using new realtimegaugesT.txt with Cumulus > 1.9.2 data.tempunit = '°' + data.tempunit; } // Check for station off-line now = Date.now(); tmp = data.timeUTC.split(','); sampleDate = Date.UTC(tmp[0], tmp[1] - 1, tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5]); if (now - sampleDate > config.stationTimeout * 60 * 1000) { elapsedMins = Math.floor((now - sampleDate) / (1000 * 60)); // the realtimegauges.txt file isn't being updated ledIndicator.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.led_title_offline); ledIndicator.blink(true); if (elapsedMins < 120) { // up to 2 hours ago tm = elapsedMins.toString() + ' ' + strings.StatusMinsAgo; } else if (elapsedMins < 2 * 24 * 60) { // up to 48 hours ago tm = Math.floor(elapsedMins / 60).toString() + ' ' + strings.StatusHoursAgo; } else { // days ago! tm = Math.floor(elapsedMins / (60 * 24)).toString() + ' ' + strings.StatusDaysAgo; } data.forecast = strings.led_title_offline + ' ' + strings.StatusLastUpdate + ' ' + tm; } else if (+data.SensorContactLost === 1) { // Fine Offset sensor status ledIndicator.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.led_title_lost); ledIndicator.blink(true); data.forecast = strings.led_title_lost; } else { ledIndicator.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.led_title_ok + '. ' + strings.StatusLastUpdate + ': ' + data.date); ledIndicator.blink(false); ledIndicator.setLedOnOff(true); data.forecast += ' | ' + strings.StatusLastUpdate + ': ' + data.date; // Modificado por AGallardo } // de-encode the forecast string if required (Cumulus support for extended characters) data.forecast = $('
').html(data.forecast).text(); data.forecast = data.forecast.trim(); data.pressunit = data.pressunit.trim(); // WView sends ' in', ' mb', or ' hPa' if (data.pressunit === 'in') { // Cumulus and WView send 'in' data.pressunit = 'inHg'; } data.windunit = data.windunit.trim(); // WView sends ' kmh' etc data.windunit = data.windunit.toLowerCase(); // WeatherCat sends "MPH" if (data.windunit === 'knots') { // WeatherCat/weewx send "Knots", we use "kts" data.windunit = 'kts'; } if (data.windunit === 'kmh' || data.windunit === 'kph') { // WD wind unit omits '/', weewx sends 'kph' data.windunit = 'km/h'; } data.rainunit = data.rainunit.trim(); // WView sends ' mm' etc // take a look at the cloud base data... // change WeatherCat units from Metres/Feet to m/ft try { if (data.cloudbaseunit.toLowerCase() === 'metres') { data.cloudbaseunit = 'm'; } else if (data.cloudbaseunit.toLowerCase() === 'feet') { data.cloudbaseunit = 'ft'; } } catch (e) { data.cloudbaseunit = ''; } if (config.showCloudGauge && ( (config.weatherProgram === 4 || config.weatherProgram === 5) || data.cloudbasevalue === '')) { // WeatherCat and VWS (and WView?) do not provide a cloud base value, so we have to calculate it... // assume if the station uses an imperial wind speed they want cloud base in feet, otherwise metres data.cloudbaseunit = (data.windunit === 'mph' || data.windunit === 'kts') ? 'ft' : 'm'; data.cloudbasevalue = calcCloudbase(data.temp, data.tempunit, data.dew, data.cloudbaseunit); } // Temperature data conversion for display required? if (data.tempunit[1] !== displayUnits.temp && userUnitsSet) { // temp needs converting if (data.tempunit[1] === 'C') { convTempData(c2f); } else { convTempData(f2c); } } else if (firstRun) { displayUnits.temp = data.tempunit[1]; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsTemp', displayUnits.temp); } // Rain data conversion for display required? if (data.rainunit !== displayUnits.rain && userUnitsSet) { // rain needs converting convRainData(displayUnits.rain === 'mm' ? in2mm : mm2in); } else if (firstRun) { displayUnits.rain = data.rainunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsRain', displayUnits.rain); } // Wind data conversion for display required? if (data.windunit !== displayUnits.wind && userUnitsSet) { // wind needs converting convWindData(data.windunit, displayUnits.wind); } else if (firstRun) { displayUnits.wind = data.windunit; displayUnits.windrun = getWindrunUnits(data.windunit); setRadioCheck('rad_unitsWind', displayUnits.wind); } // Pressure data conversion for display required? if (data.pressunit !== displayUnits.press && userUnitsSet) { convBaroData(data.pressunit, displayUnits.press); } else if (firstRun) { displayUnits.press = data.pressunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsPress', displayUnits.press); } // Cloud height data conversion for display required? if (data.cloudbaseunit !== displayUnits.cloud && userUnitsSet) { // Cloud height needs converting convCloudBaseData(displayUnits.cloud === 'm' ? ft2m : m2ft); } else if (firstRun) { displayUnits.cloud = data.cloudbaseunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsCloud', displayUnits.cloud); } statusScroller.setText(data.forecast); // first time only, setup units etc if (firstRun) { doFirst(); } // publish the update, use the shared data object rather than transferring it $.publish('gauges.dataUpdated', {}); retVal = true; } else { // set an error message if (data.ver < realtimeVer) { statusTimer.setValue(0); statusScroller.setText('Your ' + config.realTimeURL.substr(config.realTimeURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + ' file template needs updating!'); return false; } else { // oh-oh! The number of data fields isn't what we expected statusScroller.setText(strings.realtimeCorrupt); } ledIndicator.setLedOnOff(false); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.led_title_unknown); retVal = false; } return retVal; }, // // pagetimeout() called once every config.pageUpdateLimit minutes to stop updates and prevent page 'sitters' // pageTimeout = function () { statusScroller.setText(strings.StatusPageLimit); ledIndicator.setLedColor(steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.StatusPageLimit); ledIndicator.blink(true); ledIndicator.setTitle(strings.StatusTimeout); // stop any pending download clearTimeout(downloadTimer); // stop any long polling in progress if ($.active > 0) { jqXHR.abort(); } // stop the clock clearInterval(tickTockInterval); // clear the timer display statusTimer.setValue(0); // set an onclick event on the LED to restart everything $('#canvas_led').click( function click() { // disable the onClick event again $('#canvas_led').unbind('click'); // reset the timer count to 1 statusTimer.reset(1); // restart the timer to update the status time tickTockInterval = setInterval( function tick() { $.publish('gauges.clockTick', null); }, 1000 ); // restart the page timeout timer, so we hit this code again setTimeout(pageTimeout, config.pageUpdateLimit * 60 * 1000); // refresh the page data getRealtime(); } ); }, // // doFirst() called by doUpdate() the first time the page is updated to set-up various things that are // only known when the realtimegauges.txt data is available // doFirst = function () { var cacheDefeat = '?' + (new Date()).getTime().toString(); if (data.tempunit[1] === 'F') { displayUnits.temp = 'F'; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsTemp', 'F'); setTempUnits(false); } if (data.pressunit !== 'hPa') { displayUnits.press = data.pressunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsPress', data.pressunit); setBaroUnits(data.pressunit); } if (data.windunit !== 'km/h') { displayUnits.wind = data.windunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsWind', data.windunit); setWindUnits(data.windunit); } if (data.rainunit !== 'mm') { displayUnits.rain = data.rainunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsRain', data.rainunit); setRainUnits(false); } if (config.showSolarGauge && typeof data.SolarTM !== 'undefined' && gaugeSolar) { gaugeSolar.gauge.setMaxMeasuredValueVisible(true); } if (config.showCloudGauge && data.cloudbaseunit !== 'm') { displayUnits.cloud = data.cloudbaseunit; setRadioCheck('rad_unitsCloud', data.cloudbaseunit); setCloudBaseUnits(false); } // set the script version on the page $('#scriptVer').html(config.scriptVer); // set the version information from the station $('#programVersion').html(data.version); $('#programBuild').html(data.build); $('#programName').html(programLink[config.weatherProgram]); if (config.showPopupData) { // now initialise the pop-up script and download the trend images // - has to be done here as doFirst may remove elements from the page // - and we delay the download of the images speeding up page display ddimgtooltip.init('[id^="tip_"]'); // Are we running on a phone device (or really low res screen)? if ($(window).width() < 480) { $('.ddimgtooltip').filter(':hidden').width('200px'); } } if (config.showPopupData && config.showPopupGraphs) {} firstRun = false; }, // // createTempSections() creates an array of gauge sections appropriate for Celsius or Fahrenheit scales // createTempSections = function (celsius) { var section; if (celsius) { section = [ steelseries.Section(-100, -35, 'rgba(0, 23, 128, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-35, -30, 'rgba(0, 35, 189, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-30, -25, 'rgba(0, 44, 240, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-25, -20, 'rgba(15, 59, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-20, -15, 'rgba(92, 122, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-15, -10, 'rgba(61, 97, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-10, -5, 'rgba(102, 130, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-5, -1, 'rgba(138, 159, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-1, 1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(1, 5, 'rgba(222, 211, 211, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(5, 10, 'rgba(227, 206, 206, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(10, 15, 'rgba(212, 175, 175, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(15, 20, 'rgba(209, 143, 143, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(20, 25, 'rgba(233, 83, 83, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(25, 30, 'rgba(217, 28, 28, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(30, 40, 'rgba(172, 22, 22, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(40, 100, 'rgba(113, 15, 15, 0.6)') ]; } else { section = [ steelseries.Section(-200, -30, 'rgba(0, 23, 128, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-30, -25, 'rgba(0, 35, 189, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-25, -15, 'rgba(0, 44, 240, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-15, -5, 'rgba(15, 59, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(-5, 5, 'rgba(61, 97, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(5, 15, 'rgba(102, 130, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(15, 25, 'rgba(138, 159, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(25, 30, 'rgba(179, 193, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(30, 34, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(32, 40, 'rgba(222, 211, 211, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(40, 50, 'rgba(227, 206, 206, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(50, 60, 'rgba(212, 175, 175, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(60, 70, 'rgba(209, 143, 143, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(70, 80, 'rgba(233, 83, 83, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(80, 90, 'rgba(217, 28, 28, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(90, 110, 'rgba(172, 22, 22, 0.6)'), steelseries.Section(110, 200, 'rgba(113, 15, 15, 0.6)') ]; } return section; }, // // createTempSections2() creates an array of 15 gauge sections appropriate for Celsius or Fahrenheit scales // Funcion añadida por AGallardo createTempSections2 = function (celsius) { var section; if (celsius) { section = [ steelseries.Section(-10, -8, 'rgba(70, 39, 89, 1.0)'), // morado steelseries.Section(-8, -6, 'rgba(128, 0, 128, 1.0)'), // púrpura steelseries.Section(-6, -3, 'rgba(147, 112, 219, 1.0)'), // lila steelseries.Section(-3, 0, 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 1.0)'), // azul oscuro steelseries.Section(0, 8, 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)'), // azul steelseries.Section(8, 16, 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1.0)'), // azul claro steelseries.Section(16, 20, 'rgba(144, 238, 144, 1.0)'), // verde claro steelseries.Section(20, 26, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(26, 32, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // lima steelseries.Section(32, 35, 'rgba(223, 255, 0, 0.8)'), // cartujo steelseries.Section(35, 39, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(39, 42, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(42, 45, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // rojo steelseries.Section(45, 47, 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // marrón steelseries.Section(47, 50, 'rgba(255, 192, 203, 1.0)') // rosa ]; } else { section = [ steelseries.Section(14, 18, 'rgba(70, 39, 89, 1.0)'), // morado steelseries.Section(18, 21, 'rgba(128, 0, 128, 1.0)'), // púrpura steelseries.Section(21, 27, 'rgba(147, 112, 219, 1.0)'), // lila steelseries.Section(27, 32, 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 1.0)'), // azul oscuro steelseries.Section(32, 46, 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)'), // azul steelseries.Section(46, 61, 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1.0)'), // azul claro steelseries.Section(61, 68, 'rgba(144, 238, 144, 1.0)'), // verde claro steelseries.Section(68, 79, 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.0)'), // verde steelseries.Section(79, 90, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // lima steelseries.Section(90, 95, 'rgba(223, 255, 0, 0.8)'), // cartujo steelseries.Section(95, 102, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(102, 108, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(108, 113, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // rojo steelseries.Section(113, 117, 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // marrón steelseries.Section(117, 122, 'rgba(255, 192, 203, 1.0)') // rosa ]; } return section; }, // // createRainSections() returns an array of section highlights for the Rain Rate gauge // /* Assumes 'standard' descriptive limits from UK met office: < 0.25 mm/hr - Very light rain 0.25mm/hr to 1.0mm/hr - Light rain 1.0 mm/hr to 4.0 mm/hr - Moderate rain 4.0 mm/hr to 16.0 mm/hr - Heavy rain 16.0 mm/hr to 50 mm/hr - Very heavy rain > 50.0 mm/hour - Extreme rain Roughly translated to the corresponding Inch rates < 0.001 0.001 to 0.05 0.05 to 0.20 0.20 to 0.60 0.60 to 2.0 > 2.0 */ createRainRateSections = function (metric) { var factor = metric ? 1 : 1 / 25; return [ steelseries.Section(0, 0.25 * factor, 'rgba(203, 231, 255, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(0.25 * factor, 1 * factor, 'rgba(130, 214, 255, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(1 * factor, 4 * factor, 'rgba(80, 117, 212, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(4 * factor, 16 * factor, 'rgba(45, 75, 235, 0.68)'), steelseries.Section(16 * factor, 50 * factor, 'rgba(22, 45, 201, 0.8)'), steelseries.Section(50 * factor, 1000 * factor, 'rgba(36, 0, 255, 0.92)') ]; }, // Funcion añadida por AGallardo createRainRateSections2 = function (metric) { var factor = metric ? 1 : 1 / 25; return [steelseries.Section(0.8, 1.5 * factor, 'rgba(144, 238, 144, 1.0)'), // verde claro steelseries.Section(1.5 * factor, 3 * factor, 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1.0)'), // azul claro steelseries.Section(3 * factor, 6 * factor, 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)'), // azul steelseries.Section(6 * factor, 12 * factor, 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 1.0)'), // azul oscuro steelseries.Section(12 * factor, 20 * factor, 'rgba(147, 112, 219, 1.0)'), // lila steelseries.Section(20 * factor, 30 * factor, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.9)'), // amarillo steelseries.Section(30 * factor, 50 * factor, 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1.0)'), // naranja steelseries.Section(50 * factor, 100 * factor, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // rojo steelseries.Section(100 * factor, 200 * factor, 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 1.0)'), // marrón steelseries.Section(200 * factor, 1000 * factor, 'rgba(255, 192, 203, 1.0)')]; // rosa }, // // createRainFallSections()returns an array of section highlights for total rainfall in mm or inches // createRainfallSections = function (metric) { var factor = metric ? 1 : 1 / 25; return [ steelseries.Section(0, 5 * factor, 'rgba(0, 50, 250, 1)'), steelseries.Section(5 * factor, 10 * factor, 'rgba(0, 117, 250, 1)'), steelseries.Section(10 * factor, 25 * factor, 'rgba(218, 0, 246, 1)'), steelseries.Section(25 * factor, 40 * factor, 'rgba(250, 0, 186, 1)'), steelseries.Section(40 * factor, 50 * factor, 'rgba(250, 0, 95, 1)'), steelseries.Section(50 * factor, 65 * factor, 'rgba(250, 0, 0, 1)'), steelseries.Section(65 * factor, 75 * factor, 'rgba(250, 80, 6, 1)'), steelseries.Section(75 * factor, 100 * factor, 'rgba(205, 158, 18, 1)'), steelseries.Section(100 * factor, 125 * factor, 'rgba(0, 250, 0, 1)'), steelseries.Section(125 * factor, 500 * factor, 'rgba(0, 212, 219, 1)') ]; }, // // createRainfallGradient() returns an array of SS colours for continuous gradient colouring of the total rainfall LED gauge // createRainfallGradient = function (metric) { var grad = new steelseries.gradientWrapper( 0, (metric ? 100 : 4), [0, 0.1, 0.62, 1], [ new steelseries.rgbaColor(15, 148, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(213, 213, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(213, 0, 25, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(250, 0, 0, 1) ] ); return grad; }, // // createClousBaseSections() returns an array of section highlights for the Cloud Base gauge // createCloudBaseSections = function (metric) { var section; if (metric) { section = [ steelseries.Section(0, 150, 'rgba(245, 86, 59, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(150, 300, 'rgba(225, 155, 105, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(300, 750, 'rgba(212, 203, 109, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(750, 1000, 'rgba(150, 203, 150, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(1000, 1500, 'rgba(80, 192, 80, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(1500, 2500, 'rgba(0, 140, 0, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(2500, 5500, 'rgba(19, 103, 186, 0.5)') ]; } else { section = [ steelseries.Section(0, 500, 'rgba(245, 86, 59, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(500, 1000, 'rgba(225, 155, 105, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(1000, 2500, 'rgba(212, 203, 109, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(2500, 3500, 'rgba(150, 203, 150, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(3500, 5500, 'rgba(80, 192, 80, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(5500, 8500, 'rgba(0, 140, 0, 0.5)'), steelseries.Section(8500, 18000, 'rgba(19, 103, 186, 0.5)') ]; } return section; }, // // --------------- Helper functions ------------------ // // // getord() converts a value in degrees (0-360) into a localised compass point (N, ENE, NE, etc) // getord = function (deg) { if (deg === 360) { // Special case, 360=No wind, 0=North return strings.calm; } else { return (strings.coords[Math.floor((deg + 11.25) / 22.5) % 16]); } }, // // getUrlParam() extracts the named parameter from the current page URL // getUrlParam = function (paramName) { var name, regexS, regex, results; name = paramName.replace(/(\[|\])/g, '\\$1'); regexS = '[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'; regex = new RegExp(regexS); results = regex.exec(window.location.href); if (results === null) { return ''; } else { return results[1]; } }, // // extractDecimal() returns a decimal number from a string, the decimal point can be either a dot or a comma // it ignores any text such as pre/appended units // extractDecimal = function (str, errVal) { try { return (/[-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*/).exec(str.replace(',', '.'))[0]; } catch (e) { // error condition return errVal || -9999; } }, // // extractInteger() returns an integer from a string // it ignores any text such as pre/appended units // extractInteger = function (str, errVal) { try { return (/[-+]?[0-9]+/).exec(str)[0]; } catch (e) { // error condition return errVal || -9999; } }, // // tempTrend() converts a temperature trend value into a localised string, or +1, 0, -1 depending on the value of bTxt // tempTrend = function (trend, units, bTxt) { // Scale is over 3 hours, in Celsius var val = trend * 3 * (units[1] === 'C' ? 1 : (5 / 9)), ret; if (trend === -9999) { ret = (bTxt ? '--' : trend); } else if (val > 8) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingVeryRapidly : 1); } else if (val > 6) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingQuickly : 1); } else if (val > 3) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Rising : 1); } else if (val > 0.7) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingSlowly : 1); } else if (val >= -0.7) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Steady : 0); } else if (val >= -3) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingSlowly : -1); } else if (val >= -6) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Falling : -1); } else if (val >= -8) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingQuickly : -1); } else { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingVeryRapidly : -1); } return ret; }, // // humTrend() converts a humidity trend value into a localised string, or +1, 0, -1 depending on the value of bTxt // por AGallardo humTrend = function (trend, bTxt) { // Scale is over 3 hours, in % var val = trend * 3, ret; if (trend === -9999) { ret = (bTxt ? '--' : trend); } else if (val > 30) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingVeryRapidly : 1); } else if (val > 20) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingQuickly : 1); } else if (val > 10) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Rising : 1); } else if (val > 3) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingSlowly : 1); } else if (val >= -3) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Steady : 0); } else if (val >= -10) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingSlowly : -1); } else if (val >= -20) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Falling : -1); } else if (val >= -30) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingQuickly : -1); } else { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingVeryRapidly : -1); } return ret; }, // // windTrend() converts a wind trend value into a localised string, or +1, 0, -1 depending on the value of bTxt // windTrend = function (trend, units, bTxt) { // Scale is over 3 hours, in km/h var val = trend * 3, ret; if (units === 'm/s') { val *= (1 / 3.6); } else if (units === 'mph') { val *= 0.621371; } if (trend === -9999) { ret = (bTxt ? '--' : trend); } else if (val > 30) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingVeryRapidly : 1); } else if (val > 20) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingQuickly : 1); } else if (val > 10) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Rising : 1); } else if (val > 5) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingSlowly : 1); } else if (val >= -5) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Steady : 0); } else if (val >= -10) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingSlowly : -1); } else if (val >= -20) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Falling : -1); } else if (val >= -30) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingQuickly : -1); } else { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingVeryRapidly : -1); } return ret; }, // // baroTrend() converts a pressure trend value into a localised string, or +1, 0, -1 depending on the value of bTxt // baroTrend = function (trend, units, bTxt) { var val = trend * 3, ret; // The terms below are the UK Met Office terms for a 3 hour change in hPa // trend is supplied as an hourly change, so multiply by 3 if (units === 'inHg') { val *= 33.8639; } else if (units === 'kPa') { val *= 10; // assume everything else is hPa or mb, could be dangerous! } if (trend === -9999) { ret = (bTxt ? '--' : trend); } else if (val > 6.0) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingVeryRapidly : 1); } else if (val > 3.5) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingQuickly : 1); } else if (val > 2.0) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Rising : 1); } else if (val > 0.7) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.RisingSlowly : 1); } else if (val >= -0.7) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Steady : 0); } else if (val >= -2.0) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingSlowly : -1); } else if (val >= -3.5) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.Falling : -1); } else if (val >= -6.0) { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingQuickly : -1); } else { ret = (bTxt ? strings.FallingVeryRapidly : -1); } return ret; }, // // getMinTemp() returns the lowest temperature today for gauge scaling // getMinTemp = function (deflt) { return Math.min( extractDecimal(data.tempTL, deflt), extractDecimal(data.dewpointTL, deflt), extractDecimal(data.apptempTL, deflt)); }, // // getMaxTemp() returns the highest temperature today for gauge scaling // getMaxTemp = function (deflt) { return Math.max( extractDecimal(data.tempTH, deflt), extractDecimal(data.apptempTH, deflt)); }, // Celsius to Fahrenheit c2f = function c2f(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 9 / 5 + 32).toFixed(1); }, // Fahrenheit to Celsius f2c = function f2c(val) { return ((extractDecimal(val) - 32) * 5 / 9).toFixed(1); }, // mph to ms mph2ms = function mph2ms(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 0.447).toFixed(1); }, // knots to ms kts2ms = function kts2ms(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 0.515).toFixed(1); }, // kph to ms kmh2ms = function kmh2ms(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 0.2778).toFixed(1); }, // ms to kts ms2kts = function ms2kts(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 1.9426).toFixed(1); }, // ms to mph ms2mph = function ms2mph(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 2.237).toFixed(1); }, // ms to kph ms2kmh = function ms2kmh(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 3.6).toFixed(1); }, // mm to inches mm2in = function mm2in(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) / 25.4).toFixed(2); }, // inches to mm in2mm = function in2mm(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 25.4).toFixed(1); }, // miles to km miles2km = function miles2km(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 1.609344).toFixed(1); }, // nautical miles to km nmiles2km = function nmiles2km(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 1.85200).toFixed(1); }, // km to miles km2miles = function km2miles(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) / 1.609344).toFixed(1); }, // km to nautical miles km2nmiles = function km2nmiles(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) / 1.85200).toFixed(1); }, // hPa to inHg (@0°C) hpa2inhg = function hpa2inhg(val, decimals) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 0.029528744).toFixed(decimals || 3); }, // inHg to hPa (@0°C) inhg2hpa = function inhg2hpa(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) / 0.029528744).toFixed(1); }, // kPa to hPa kpa2hpa = function kpa2hpa(val) { return (extractDecimal(val) * 10).toFixed(1); }, // hPa to kPa hpa2kpa = function hpa2kpa(val, decimals) { return (extractDecimal(val) / 10).toFixed(decimals || 2); }, // m to ft m2ft = function m2ft(val) { return (val * 3.2808399).toFixed(0); }, // ft to m ft2m = function ft2m(val) { return (val / 3.2808399).toFixed(0); }, // // setCookie() writes the 'obj' in cookie 'name' for persistent storage // setCookie = function (name, obj) { var date = new Date(), expires; // cookies valid for 1 year date.setYear(date.getFullYear() + 1); expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(obj)) + expires; }, // // getCookie() reads the value of cookie 'name' from persistent storage // getCookie = function (name) { var i, x, y, ret = null, arrCookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (i = arrCookies.length; i--;) { x = arrCookies[i].split('='); if (x[0].trim() === name) { try { y = decodeURIComponent(x[1]); } catch (e) { y = x[1]; } ret = JSON.parse(unescape(y)); break; } } return ret; }, // // setRadioCheck() sets the desired value of the HTML radio buttons to be selected // setRadioCheck = function (obj, val) { $('input:radio[name="' + obj + '"]').filter('[value="' + val + '"]').prop('checked', true); }, // // convTempData() converts all the temperature values using the supplied conversion function // convTempData = function (convFunc) { data.apptemp = convFunc(data.apptemp); data.apptempTH = convFunc(data.apptempTH); data.apptempTL = convFunc(data.apptempTL); data.dew = convFunc(data.dew); data.dewpointTH = convFunc(data.dewpointTH); data.dewpointTL = convFunc(data.dewpointTL); data.heatindex = convFunc(data.heatindex); data.heatindexTH = convFunc(data.heatindexTH); data.humidex = convFunc(data.humidex); data.intemp = convFunc(data.intemp); if (data.intempTL && data.intempTH) { data.intempTL = convFunc(data.intempTL); data.intempTH = convFunc(data.intempTH); } data.temp = convFunc(data.temp); data.tempTH = convFunc(data.tempTH); data.tempTL = convFunc(data.tempTL); data.wchill = convFunc(data.wchill); data.wchillTL = convFunc(data.wchillTL); if (convFunc === c2f) { data.temptrend = (+extractDecimal(data.temptrend) * 9 / 5).toFixed(1); data.tempunit = '°F'; } else { data.temptrend = (+extractDecimal(data.temptrend) * 5 / 9).toFixed(1); data.tempunit = '°C'; } }, // // convRainData() converts all the rain data units using the supplied conversion function // convRainData = function (convFunc) { data.rfall = convFunc(data.rfall); data.rrate = convFunc(data.rrate); data.rrateTM = convFunc(data.rrateTM); data.hourlyrainTH = convFunc(data.hourlyrainTH); data.rainunit = convFunc === mm2in ? 'in' : 'mm'; }, // // convWindData() converts all the wind values using the supplied conversion function // convWindData = function (from, to) { var fromFunc1, toFunc1, fromFunc2, toFunc2, dummy = function (val) { return val; }; // convert to m/s & km switch (from) { case 'mph': fromFunc1 = mph2ms; fromFunc2 = miles2km; break; case 'kts': fromFunc1 = kts2ms; fromFunc2 = nmiles2km; break; case 'km/h': fromFunc1 = kmh2ms; fromFunc2 = dummy; break; case 'm/s': // falls through default: fromFunc1 = dummy; fromFunc2 = dummy; } // conversion function from km to required units switch (to) { case 'mph': toFunc1 = ms2mph; toFunc2 = km2miles; displayUnits.windrun = 'miles'; break; case 'kts': toFunc1 = ms2kts; toFunc2 = km2nmiles; displayUnits.windrun = 'n.miles'; break; case 'km/h': toFunc1 = ms2kmh; toFunc2 = dummy; displayUnits.windrun = 'km'; break; case 'm/s': // falls through default: toFunc1 = dummy; toFunc2 = dummy; displayUnits.windrun = 'km'; } // do the conversions data.wgust = toFunc1(fromFunc1(data.wgust)); data.wgustTM = toFunc1(fromFunc1(data.wgustTM)); data.windTM = toFunc1(fromFunc1(data.windTM)); data.windrun = toFunc2(fromFunc2(data.windrun)); data.wlatest = toFunc1(fromFunc1(data.wlatest)); data.wspeed = toFunc1(fromFunc1(data.wspeed)); data.windunit = to; }, // // convBaroData() converts all the pressure values using the supplied conversion function // convBaroData = function (from, to) { var fromFunc, toFunc, dummy = function (val) { return val; }; // convert to hPa switch (from) { case 'hPa': // falls through case 'mb': fromFunc = dummy; break; case 'inHg': fromFunc = inhg2hpa; break; case 'kPa': fromFunc = kpa2hpa; break; // no default } // convert to required units switch (to) { case 'hPa': // falls through case 'mb': toFunc = dummy; break; case 'inHg': toFunc = hpa2inhg; break; case 'kPa': toFunc = hpa2kpa; break; // no default } data.press = toFunc(fromFunc(data.press)); data.pressH = toFunc(fromFunc(data.pressH)); data.pressL = toFunc(fromFunc(data.pressL)); data.pressTH = toFunc(fromFunc(data.pressTH)); data.pressTL = toFunc(fromFunc(data.pressTL)); data.presstrendval = toFunc(fromFunc(data.presstrendval), 3); data.pressunit = to; }, // // convCloudBaseData() converts all the cloud base data units using the supplied conversion function // convCloudBaseData = function (convFunc) { data.cloudbasevalue = convFunc(data.cloudbasevalue); data.cloudbaseunit = convFunc === m2ft ? 'ft' : 'm'; }, // // setUnits() Main data conversion routine, calls all the setXXXX() sub-routines // setUnits = function (radio) { var sel = radio.value; userUnitsSet = true; switch (sel) { // == Temperature == case 'C': displayUnits.temp = sel; if (data.tempunit[1] !== sel) { setTempUnits(true); convTempData(f2c); if (gaugeTemp) {gaugeTemp.update();} if (gaugeDew) {gaugeDew.update();} } break; case 'F': displayUnits.temp = sel; if (data.tempunit[1] !== sel) { setTempUnits(false); convTempData(c2f); if (gaugeTemp) {gaugeTemp.update();} if (gaugeDew) {gaugeDew.update();} } break; // == Rainfall == case 'mm': displayUnits.rain = sel; if (data.rainunit !== sel) { setRainUnits(true); convRainData(in2mm); if (gaugeRain) {gaugeRain.update();} if (gaugeRRate) {gaugeRRate.update();} if (gaugeET) {gaugeET.update();} } break; case 'in': displayUnits.rain = sel; if (data.rainunit !== sel) { setRainUnits(false); convRainData(mm2in); if (gaugeRain) {gaugeRain.update();} if (gaugeRRate) {gaugeRRate.update();} if (gaugeET) {gaugeET.update();} } break; // == Pressure == case 'hPa': // falls through case 'inHg': // falls through case 'mb': // falls through case 'kPa': displayUnits.press = sel; if (data.pressunit !== sel) { convBaroData(data.pressunit, sel); setBaroUnits(sel); if (gaugeBaro) {gaugeBaro.update();} } break; // == Wind speed == case 'mph': // falls through case 'kts': // falls through case 'm/s': // falls through case 'km/h': displayUnits.wind = sel; if (data.windunit !== sel) { convWindData(data.windunit, sel); setWindUnits(sel); if (gaugeWind) {gaugeWind.update();} if (gaugeDir) {gaugeDir.update();} if (gaugeRose) {gaugeRose.update();} } break; // == CloudBase == case 'm': displayUnits.cloud = sel; if (data.cloudbaseunit !== sel) { setCloudBaseUnits(true); convCloudBaseData(ft2m); if (gaugeCloud) {gaugeCloud.update();} } break; case 'ft': displayUnits.cloud = sel; if (data.cloudbaseunit !== sel) { setCloudBaseUnits(false); convCloudBaseData(m2ft); if (gaugeCloud) {gaugeCloud.update();} } break; // no default } if (config.useCookies) { setCookie('units', displayUnits); } }, setTempUnits = function (celsius) { if (celsius) { data.tempunit = '°C'; if (gaugeTemp) { gaugeTemp.data.sections = createTempSections2(true); // Modificado por AGallardo gaugeTemp.data.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC; gaugeTemp.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC; } if (gaugeDew) { gaugeDew.data.sections = createTempSections2(true); // Modificado por AGallardo gaugeDew.data.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinC; gaugeDew.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxC; } } else { data.tempunit = '°F'; if (gaugeTemp) { gaugeTemp.data.sections = createTempSections2(false); // Modificado por AGallardo gaugeTemp.data.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinF; gaugeTemp.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxF; } if (gaugeDew) { gaugeDew.data.sections = createTempSections2(false); // Modificado por AGallardo gaugeDew.data.minValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMinF; gaugeDew.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.tempScaleDefMaxF; } } if (gaugeTemp) { gaugeTemp.gauge.setUnitString(data.tempunit); gaugeTemp.gauge.setSection(gaugeTemp.data.sections); } if (gaugeDew) { gaugeDew.gauge.setUnitString(data.tempunit); gaugeDew.gauge.setSection(gaugeTemp.data.sections); } }, setRainUnits = function (mm) { if (mm) { data.rainunit = 'mm'; if (gaugeRain) { gaugeRain.data.lcdDecimals = 1; gaugeRain.data.scaleDecimals = 1; gaugeRain.data.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; gaugeRain.data.sections = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseSectionColours ? createRainfallSections(true) : []); gaugeRain.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm; gaugeRain.data.grad = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseGradientColours ? createRainfallGradient(true) : null); } if (gaugeRRate) { gaugeRRate.data.lcdDecimals = 1; gaugeRRate.data.scaleDecimals = 0; gaugeRRate.data.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; gaugeRRate.data.sections = createRainRateSections(true); gaugeRRate.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainRateScaleDefMaxmm; } if (gaugeET) { gaugeET.data.lcdDecimals = 2; gaugeET.data.scaleDecimals = 2; gaugeET.data.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; gaugeET.data.sections = [ steelseries.Section(0, 2.9, '#289500'), steelseries.Section(2.9, 5.8, '#f7e400'), steelseries.Section(5.8, 7.8, '#f85900'), steelseries.Section(7.8, 10.9, '#d8001d'), steelseries.Section(10.9, 20, '#6b49c8') ]; gaugeET.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxmm; gaugeET.data.grad = new steelseries.gradientWrapper(0, 16, [0, 0.1, 0.19, 0.31, 0.45, 0.625, 1], [ new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 255, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(248, 89, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 144, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(153, 140, 255, 1) ] ); } } else { data.rainunit = 'in'; if (gaugeRain) { gaugeRain.data.lcdDecimals = 2; gaugeRain.data.scaleDecimals = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn < 1 ? 2 : 1; gaugeRain.data.labelNumberFormat = steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.FRACTIONAL; gaugeRain.data.sections = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseSectionColours ? createRainfallSections(false) : []); gaugeRain.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn; gaugeRain.data.grad = (gaugeGlobals.rainUseGradientColours ? createRainfallGradient(false) : null); } if (gaugeRRate) { gaugeRRate.data.lcdDecimals = 2; gaugeRRate.data.scaleDecimals = gaugeGlobals.rainRateScaleDefMaxIn < 1 ? 2 : 1; gaugeRRate.data.labelNumberFormat = steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.FRACTIONAL; gaugeRRate.data.sections = createRainRateSections(false); gaugeRRate.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainRateScaleDefMaxIn; } if (gaugeET) { gaugeET.data.lcdDecimals = 3; gaugeET.data.scaleDecimals = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn < 1 ? 3 : 2; gaugeET.data.labelNumberFormat = steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.FRACTIONAL; gaugeET.data.sections = [ steelseries.Section(0, 2.9, '#289500'), steelseries.Section(2.9, 5.8, '#f7e400'), steelseries.Section(5.8, 7.8, '#f85900'), steelseries.Section(7.8, 10.9, '#d8001d'), steelseries.Section(10.9, 20, '#6b49c8') ]; gaugeET.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.rainScaleDefMaxIn; gaugeET.data.grad = new steelseries.gradientWrapper(0, 16, [0, 0.1, 0.19, 0.31, 0.45, 0.625, 1], [ new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(0, 200, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 255, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(248, 89, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 0, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(255, 0, 144, 1), new steelseries.rgbaColor(153, 140, 255, 1) ] ); } } if (gaugeRain) { gaugeRain.data.value = 0; gaugeRain.gauge.setUnitString(data.rainunit); gaugeRain.gauge.setSection(gaugeRain.data.sections); gaugeRain.gauge.setGradient(gaugeRain.data.grad); gaugeRain.gauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(gaugeRain.data.scaleDecimals); gaugeRain.gauge.setLabelNumberFormat(gaugeRain.data.labelNumberFormat); gaugeRain.gauge.setLcdDecimals(gaugeRain.data.lcdDecimals); gaugeRain.gauge.setValue(0); gaugeRain.gauge.setMaxValue(gaugeRain.data.maxValue); } if (gaugeRRate) { gaugeRRate.data.value = 0; gaugeRRate.gauge.setUnitString(data.rainunit + '/h'); gaugeRRate.gauge.setSection(gaugeRRate.data.sections); gaugeRRate.gauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(gaugeRRate.data.scaleDecimals); gaugeRRate.gauge.setLabelNumberFormat(gaugeRRate.data.labelNumberFormat); gaugeRRate.gauge.setLcdDecimals(gaugeRRate.data.lcdDecimals); gaugeRRate.gauge.setValue(0); gaugeRRate.gauge.setMaxValue(gaugeRRate.data.maxValue); } if (gaugeET) { gaugeET.data.value = 0; gaugeET.gauge.setUnitString(data.rainunit); gaugeET.gauge.setSection(gaugeET.data.sections); gaugeET.gauge.setGradient(gaugeET.data.grad); gaugeET.gauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(gaugeET.data.scaleDecimals); gaugeET.gauge.setLabelNumberFormat(gaugeET.data.labelNumberFormat); gaugeET.gauge.setLcdDecimals(gaugeET.data.lcdDecimals); } }, setWindUnits = function (to) { var maxVal; data.windunit = to; if (gaugeWind) { // conversion function to required units switch (to) { case 'mph': maxVal = gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxMph; break; case 'kts': maxVal = gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxKts; break; case 'km/h': maxVal = gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxKmh; break; case 'm/s': maxVal = gaugeGlobals.windScaleDefMaxMs; break; // no default } // set the gauges gaugeWind.data.maxValue = maxVal; gaugeWind.gauge.setUnitString(data.windunit); gaugeWind.gauge.setValue(0); } if (gaugeRose) { gaugeRose.setOdoTitle(strings[getWindrunUnits(data.windunit)]); } }, setBaroUnits = function (to) { var minVal, maxVal; if (!gaugeBaro) {return;} // set to the required units switch (to) { case 'hPa': // falls through case 'mb': minVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMinhPa; maxVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxhPa; gaugeBaro.data.lcdDecimals = 1; gaugeBaro.data.scaleDecimals = 0; gaugeBaro.data.labelNumberFormat = gaugeGlobals.labelFormat; break; case 'inHg': minVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMininHg; maxVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxinHg; gaugeBaro.data.lcdDecimals = 2; gaugeBaro.data.scaleDecimals = 1; gaugeBaro.data.labelNumberFormat = steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.FRACTIONAL; break; case 'kPa': minVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMinkPa; maxVal = gaugeGlobals.baroScaleDefMaxkPa; gaugeBaro.data.lcdDecimals = 2; gaugeBaro.data.scaleDecimals = 1; gaugeBaro.data.labelNumberFormat = steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.FRACTIONAL; break; // no default } data.pressunit = to; gaugeBaro.gauge.setUnitString(to); gaugeBaro.gauge.setLcdDecimals(gaugeBaro.data.lcdDecimals); gaugeBaro.gauge.setFractionalScaleDecimals(gaugeBaro.data.scaleDecimals); gaugeBaro.gauge.setLabelNumberFormat(gaugeBaro.data.labelNumberFormat); gaugeBaro.data.minValue = minVal; gaugeBaro.data.maxValue = maxVal; gaugeBaro.data.value = gaugeBaro.data.minValue; }, setCloudBaseUnits = function (m) { if (!gaugeCloud) {return;} if (m) { gaugeCloud.data.sections = createCloudBaseSections(true); gaugeCloud.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.cloudScaleDefMaxm; } else { gaugeCloud.data.sections = createCloudBaseSections(false); gaugeCloud.data.maxValue = gaugeGlobals.cloudScaleDefMaxft; } gaugeCloud.data.value = 0; gaugeCloud.gauge.setUnitString(m ? strings.metres : strings.feet); gaugeCloud.gauge.setSection(gaugeCloud.data.sections); }, // // setLang() switches the HTML page language set, called by changeLang() in language.js // setLang = function (newLang) { // reset to the new language strings = newLang; // temperature if (gaugeTemp) { if ($('#rad_temp1').is(':checked')) { gaugeTemp.data.title = strings.temp_title_out; } else { gaugeTemp.data.title = strings.temp_title_in; } gaugeTemp.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeTemp.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeTemp.update();} } if (gaugeDew) { switch ($('input[name="rad_dew"]:checked').val()) { case 'dew': gaugeDew.data.title = strings.dew_title; break; case 'app': gaugeDew.data.title = strings.apptemp_title; break; case 'wnd': gaugeDew.data.title = strings.chill_title; break; case 'hea': gaugeDew.data.title = strings.heat_title; break; case 'hum': gaugeDew.data.title = strings.humdx_title; break; // no default } gaugeDew.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeDew.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeDew.update();} } // rain if (gaugeRain) { gaugeRain.data.title = strings.rain_title; gaugeRain.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeRain.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeRain.update();} } // ET if (gaugeET) { gaugeET.data.title = LANG.EN.et_title; gaugeET.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeET.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeET.update();} } // rrate if (gaugeRRate) { gaugeRRate.data.title = strings.rrate_title; gaugeRRate.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeRRate.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeRRate.update();} } // humidity if (gaugeHum) { if ($('#rad_hum1').is(':checked')) { gaugeHum.data.title = strings.hum_title_out; } else { gaugeHum.data.title = strings.hum_title_in; } gaugeHum.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeHum.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeHum.update();} } // barometer if (gaugeBaro) { gaugeBaro.data.title = strings.baro_title; gaugeBaro.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeBaro.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeBaro.update();} } // wind if (gaugeWind) { gaugeWind.data.title = strings.wind_title; gaugeWind.gauge.setTitleString(gaugeWind.data.title); if (data.ver) {gaugeWind.update();} } if (gaugeDir) { gaugeDir.gauge.setPointSymbols(strings.compass); gaugeDir.data.titles = [strings.latest_web, strings.tenminavg_web]; gaugeDir.gauge.setLcdTitleStrings(gaugeDir.data.titles); if (data.ver) {gaugeDir.update();} } if (gaugeUV) { gaugeUV.gauge.setTitleString(strings.uv_title); if (data.ver) {gaugeUV.update();} } if (gaugeSolar) { gaugeSolar.gauge.setTitleString(strings.solar_title); if (data.ver) {gaugeSolar.update();} } if (gaugeRose) { gaugeRose.setTitle(strings.windrose); gaugeRose.setCompassStrings(strings.compass); gaugeRose.setOdoTitle(strings[getWindrunUnits(displayUnits.wind)]); if (data.ver) {gaugeRose.update();} } if (gaugeCloud) { // Cloudbase gaugeCloud.data.units = data.cloudunit === 'm' ? strings.metres : strings.feet; gaugeCloud.gauge.setTitleString(strings.cloudbase_title); gaugeCloud.gauge.setUnitString(gaugeCloud.data.units); if (data.ver) {gaugeCloud.update();} } }, // // return windrun units based on the windspeed units // getWindrunUnits = function (spdUnits) { var retVal; switch (spdUnits) { case 'mph': retVal = 'miles'; break; case 'kts': retVal = 'n_miles'; break; case 'km/h': // falls through case 'm/s': // falls through default: retVal = 'km'; break; } return retVal; }, // // performs a simple cloudbase calculation for those weather programs that don't supply it // calcCloudbase = function (temp, tempunit, dew, cloudbaseunit) { var sprd = temp - dew; var cb = sprd * (tempunit[1] === 'C' ? 400 : 227.3); // cloud base in feet if (cloudbaseunit === 'm') { cb = ft2m(cb); } return cb; }, // // create a shadow effect for the gauge using CSS // gaugeShadow = function (size) { var offset = Math.floor(size * 0.01); return { 'box-shadow' : offset + 'px ' + offset + 'px ' + offset + 'px ' + gaugeGlobals.shadowColour, 'border-radius': Math.floor(size / 2) + 'px' }; }, // // generate a colour gradient based on start and end values // gradient = function (startCol, endCol, fraction) { var redOrigin, grnOrigin, bluOrigin, gradientSizeRed, gradientSizeGrn, gradientSizeBlu; redOrigin = parseInt(startCol.substr(0, 2), 16); grnOrigin = parseInt(startCol.substr(2, 2), 16); bluOrigin = parseInt(startCol.substr(4, 2), 16); gradientSizeRed = parseInt(endCol.substr(0, 2), 16) - redOrigin; // Graduation Size Red gradientSizeGrn = parseInt(endCol.substr(2, 2), 16) - grnOrigin; gradientSizeBlu = parseInt(endCol.substr(4, 2), 16) - bluOrigin; return (redOrigin + (gradientSizeRed * fraction)).toFixed(0) + ',' + (grnOrigin + (gradientSizeGrn * fraction)).toFixed(0) + ',' + (bluOrigin + (gradientSizeBlu * fraction)).toFixed(0); }, // // returns the next highest number in the step sequence // nextHighest = function (value, step) { return +value == 0 ? step : Math.ceil(+value / step) * step; }, // // returns the next lowest number in the step sequence // nextLowest = function (value, step) { return +value == 0 ? -step : Math.floor(+value / step) * step; }; // ######################################################## // End of gauges() var declarations // ######################################################## // // Execution starts here // // test for canvas support before we do anything else, especially reference steelseries which will cause the script to abort! if (!document.createElement('canvas').getContext) { // failed, no canvas support detected $('body').html(strings.canvasnosupport); setTimeout(function () { window.location = config.oldGauges; }, 3000); return false; } else { // // Called when the document object has loaded // This starts the whole script. // $(document).ready(function () { // Kick it all off - false for web page, true for dashboard init(config.dashboardMode); }); } return { setLang : setLang, setUnits : setUnits, processData: processData }; }()), // =============================================================================================================================== // =============================================================================================================================== // =============================================================================================================================== /*! * Image w/ description tooltip v2.0 - For FF1+ IE6+ Opr8+ * Created: April 23rd, 2010. 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